To be given a 2-day medical leave by my doctor on last thursday and friday due to my sore throat, heavy coughs and cold, made me spending loads of time with my baby. Since my husband was working all week, I kind of let him slipped from our bonding time. Feeling guilty for not including time with him, me being a wonderful mom, a bit as a bully, on Monday, i woke up and as guilty free as i was, forced my husband in a very smooth way, asked him to take Lissa for a morning bath. He was sooo sleepy that he babbled his way out of the room, carrying Lissa. To my surprise, Lissa poo-poo that morning and he was able to clean her succesfully! I was so proud of him and until now, i am VERY VERY PROUD of him!! Lissa is so lucky to have a father that could take care of her, without any assistance from her mom.
To our surprise, she cried when her doc tried to look into her mouth. She usually was so calm inside the doc's room. My guess, the crying might be because of her not-feeling-well condition.
Every time she coughed, her legs were raised up. Imagine how hard and severe the coughs were. Thank God, by today, no more coughing, especially at night. She even lost almost 100 grams of weight during the period. Kesian anak mama ni..
Since both of us not feeling ok, we spent the whole week at my mom's. Just got back from KL last night.
I thought for the whole CNY break, i could spend some time to clean up the house, do some laundry and house chores.. but.. harapan tinggal impian..nampaknya kena la cari some other time to do it. (cuti maulidur rasul kan ade - some thoughts might come out from my husband, i guess..tak bley la cari alasan lagi..hehehe)
Oh ya, one important event happened last week. Lissa met with her Pak Lang, at last! (Fyi, he is my only lil brother who currently studying at Jakarta. Last time he went back was during Ramadhan, where i haven't give birth yet.) Look at them, i'm not sure whether it's my eyes or what, but they look almost alike, right?
Picture of Lissa - kena buli dengan her Makngah and MakSu - with a pony tail.. so funny!! i was laughing so hard that tears rolled off my eyes.
Lissa-muka tak bersalah : "Help me!"
Again, with her tak-bersalah face, with her Mak Teh. Her hair was all wet due to super duper hot weather.
Here are pictures of her trying her Makngah's new selendang for her engagement this Sunday. Her reactions made us laughing all out. Riuh la satu rumah.. !
sian lissa kena buli..Adam pun selalu kena buli time balik kg..
klinik dr Tan tu kat Klang ek?how much for the Rito. shot?
oh yea..mmg kena latih kaum papa2 ni..takut dah terbiasa tak pandai handle..terbawa2 smp next baby..huhu..
Alhamdulillah, my hubby pun sporting..pernah Nadia demam or Adam demam (I still need to work)..I leave him to handle..from bathe,to feed and sleep..thumbs up!sumtime lagik detail from me..huh tak tahan tu!!
hehe..cian cian..
A ah, klinik dr Tan kat Klang. Rota virus 1 shot 2 shots RM360.
erm mmg kena trained papa2 ni..hehe. double thumbs up!!
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