Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Restaurant Review : Me'Nate Steak Hub Ampang Restaurant

Hi all!

We had such a blast having dinner at one of Ieja's favourite steak house.

The restaurant called Me'Nate Steak Hub located in Ampang.

It is owned by once a butcher in Buckingham Palace, serving for the Queen Elizabeth. Impressive, right?
You can read his experience, written in the Harian Metro (click HERE)

Once you arrived, you'll see the menu in so many sections of meat. you'll be surprised, trust me.

All the rib eyes, tenderloin, sub primal cut wagyu, black angus etc
Before this, yang i tahu was sirloin, t-bone, new york strip and rib je. pasni kena learn more on the terms la

Then you can go to the freezer and choose one of the meats to suit your taste

Hubby pilih yg paling besar skali, okay!

Dont be fool by the size. memang nampak kecik bcoz it has been vacuumed. bila masak nanti, tengok la how large it became
Black Angus

Memang pakar daging

These are the wagyu. Cost one serve more than RM200!

This was mine. doubled the size served in either TGI Friday or Chili's

This is hubby's. First time i witnessed him not finishing the dish.
Tu lah, tamak lagi. lol!
Selain dari steak, you can have the ribs, the lamb and also spaghetti or meatballs. mushroom soup pun ada.

All satisfied and kekenyangan.
Overall, the best steak i've ever had in the whole Malaysia. The seasoning was great, the steak was cooked to order (i'd like it Medium Well), the caesar salad was a large portion and the mashed potatoes was delicious.

Will definitely come again, soon!

To those who wants to come, here's the address :
Menate Butcher Shop / Steak House
No, 16 Jalan Kolam Air Lama Satu
68000 Ampang Jaya
HP: 012 334 7107

You can search through Waze by the name. easy to get there.

Selamat jalan-jalan cari makan! ;)



Unknown said...

sedapnya. sedapnya. sedapnya.

Unknown said...

syazril, jom g makan sana nanti

Anonymous said...

confirmed sedah gilee puas n feeling

Unknown said...

memang betul abg Jamal. puas hati makan, kan? hehe

$H said...

dekat ngan rumah kita la sis..selalu gak lalu depan kedai.. tp selalu xjadi kalau nak masuk..ade je halangan..isyhh..kena try gak neh.

Unknown said...

Sila try ye dear. hehe sebab memang sedap nyumnyum!

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