Monday, June 28, 2010

New Episode

I'm counting days for one important episode of our life
1. Last day of Lissa being taken care of her auntie - beloved Mak Teh (my 2nd youngest sister)
2. Last day of me going out for work alone-and to workplace only - and take my own sweet time to work
3. First day of Lissa to be taken care of a new person - Opah (as what her babysitter asked Lissa to call her)

I'm nervous..
seriously nervous about her wellbeing.
it's either her safety, her comfortness..
can she adapt with a new person, a new environment..
and last night was the worst
i think i'm having one of the "tak-sedap-ati" phase.
it was already 1 am, and i couldnt shut my eyes..
my heart was pounding.
counting days, and it'll be another 3 days (or i can say now we're left with 2 & 1/2 day)
by this thursday, 1st of July, i'll send Lissa to her Opah's house
the more i think about it, the more i couldnt sleep
i knew i have to be calm so that i could sleep..
and usually, when i felt like that, i have to get up, instead of tossing and turning..
and take my wudhuk and perform solat.
yes, last night came back as one of the most serene night ive ever felt
insyaAllah, if God's willing, everything will be okay.
may Lissa be protected from any harm and danger..
once upon a time
(credit to Mak Su)

Friday, June 25, 2010

happy mode

Half of my day yesterday could be concluded as very very happy (half defines as from 8:00 am to 1:30 pm).
because i collected and pumped up to 8 oz in 1 session.
with help of :
1. Banana

2. Sunflower seeds

3. of course my very helpful Spectra

resulted in a very full botlle of bm :
(i know some of mommies out there produced more than i get, but anyway, i want to highlight this moment as a token of appreciation for my hard work..chewah!)

oh ya, i forgot to add..
4. one of the reason why i was so happy :)
i was on the phone with this gentleman while pumping.. and the result proven!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lissa on her 38th Week

It has been quite some time no update on lissa's progress.
obviously now she can crawl pretty fast, crawl over other people and scream whenever she wants.
I've surfed some websites to get pretty much of the progress
here are what i found:

Your Baby Week 38
As your baby is becoming more attached to you, he might also be becoming more attached to an object, like his pacifier, a toy, or a favorite blanket. This comes from a little bit of insecurity, since he is learning all sorts of new things.
she will start her tantrum if she didnt get what she wants.

As your baby realizes that you may not always be right by his side, he may decide to attach himself to something that he can keep with him at all times. Your baby may also form such an attachment if there is a big change in your baby's environment. If you have started leaving your baby at a new child care provider, or with family more often, or if you move into a new, bigger house, your baby may possibly attach himself to something for comfort.
we'll be sending her off to a new babysitter by next month.. quite nervous about that. hopefully she'll be ok..aduh, nervous betul..

Week 38 Milestones
If your baby has mastered letting go of the furniture and standing on his own for a few seconds, he is about to learn to take new risks. You will soon notice that he isn't shaking when he stands and that he is now standing well. He might even start to shake his upper body, and dancing when there is music playing in the background. This is a new step of independence for your infant.
she starts standing up by her own, yes, for a few seconds. even my husband was so happy yesterday when he noticed the new progress of lissa

What Might Concern You at 38 Weeks
Do you have a hairless baby? While some babies are born with lots of hair, others are born with none. Many times when a baby is hairless at birth, it will be many months before hair begins to grow. For parents of little girls, pink dresses can get a bit old after the first several months, and hearing, "What a cute little boy!" can get older.
So when will your baby start to grow hair? There is no set time when it will begin to grow, but over time, normally by the end of the second year, your baby will have a beautiful headful of hair. Until then, just be thankful that you do not have to deal with tangles and shampooing every night at bath time.
this is definitely applied to Lissa. even though she wore a pink dresses - i repeat - pink dresses, people still asked me, "boy? girl?". it gets older each time that i've to say, it's a baby girl...duhhh... plus with her very lasak style, people would assume that she's a boy. now i have to wait for her hair to grow more and longer.. no more botak please, abah!
and this is her new style of sleeping..
teringat plak entry irin putri about her son's sleeping position.

Congratulations Casting Peeps!

Good and bad news.

Yesterday was hectic!! as i told you last week, i was involved directly to arrange and mastermind the perbarisan for our department. a one week preparation was worthwhile! We won the Perbarisan event - received RM500. plus the football, futsal and tarik tali .and also the Overall Champion - received RM3500. i believe the total "income" of the day sum up to RM4500++. Congratulations to all!
Yup, that's my good news!

Bad news?
My not-feeling-so-good mood. I was feeling down whenever i heard people criticized me (eventho they didnt told me to my face-mmg dasar pengecut) i hate it when people mempertikaikan what i did as an engineer. so, what i do about it? lately i have been bundled up with a lot of important and urgent stuff to do by my boss (since not many of our engineers know and capable to do their job, but mastered in gossiping and criticizing other peeps). So once i finished up any project papers, i have to inform certain parties about the project status and all, through emails. Thus since everybody needs to be updated, i forwarded the emails to a lot of them (yes, including the macam-bagus guys). Now, they have been very very quiet, i'd say.. our senior manager knows me very well, and even my GM knows me better than them (my boss had told the other engineer to meet the GM upfront before presenting his work, since the GM didnt know him like he knows me! in ur face, buddy!)
So the bad news turned to good news, i guess?

A good start for this week..

Oh ya, tribute to my baby sis. This week will be her last week to enjoy-enjoy.. this saturday she'll start her fresh new day, fresh new status - university student - at Uitm Melaka. So all the best, adek!
To adek, take good care of urself. Study smart. Hopefully u manage to cope with the new environment. Good luck! (not sure if we can send u to the uitm. your beloved abang man will be having some friendly football match this weekend)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Feeling Down?

It has been a very dramatic week for me.
My mood kept on swinging back and forth, happy and sad, excited and bored..
why would that be?
As i was thinking so hard to find the reason behind that, i noticed that i havent been visited by the menstrual people.
Since i gave birth to Lissa last year, they visited me twice up to now. the first time was during the April fool, which is quite funny..i tot it was a trick, but it was real! haha..gotcha! Then again last month, a bit late (day 45th) from the usual 30-day cycle i used to get before i got pregnant. If i counted from last month, today is my 35th day, and i havent got any signs of the visit. not that i'm afraid of getting pregnant, but i know the cycle hasnt been faithful to me since my full time breastfeeding job is quite packed :) Seriously, i prayed that i wont get the visit. i hate to have the cramp, the back pain and also tiredness.
However, on the other hand...
my mood swing is crazyyy!
im not saying it is obvious, cos my ofcemates wont notice any different
but inside, emotionally, i'm fighting with my crazy-beyond-extreme mood!
As examples..
This morning.. it was just about my husband's pant, i buried my frustration deep inside so that my husband wont notice, but i felt that i was a failure wife.. why? i couldnt find free time, to sit down and fold it nicely. the pant was crumpled inside clean laundry's basket, and when my husband wanted to wear it, i didnt have time to iron it since i was going to be late to work if i spend some time to iron it.  so i was feeling down, and didnt try to have any conversation with my husband all the way to work (which is just 10 min drive..) crazy, rite?
Last night, i was so tired after the perbarisan rehearsel, i didnt cook for dinner. it has been 1 week. and either we eat out or my husband would hv some food tapau for us. again, i felt as a failure mom..
Yesterday, i was so damn excited about the perbarisan, that my heart sang along with the song we want to play during the event.
and early that morning i was so happy because my husband took us out for dinner the other night.
can u feel my swinging mood?
When you're in a sad mood, it may feel like it will last forever, but usually feelings of sadness don't last very long — a few hours or maybe a day or two. A deeper, more intense kind of sadness that lasts a lot longer is called depression - which i dont think i have right now.

Found one article which has idea to eliminate sadness and seriuosly i found it fun to try:

In one study, participants who pronounced a long E, creating a smile, improved their mood. Another group of researchers was able to induce happy feelings by making people hold a pen in their teeth, again forcing a smile. Conversely, when those people had to hold the pen in their lips — making them pout — they felt unhappy.

This might explain what many doctors have noticed after injecting Botox: Patients who are less able to frown or scowl often report an improvement in their mood. A study of ten patients, published in The Journal of Dermatologic Surgery in 2006, provided some support for this theory. Data is still being analyzed from a larger study at Columbia University, in which 30 patients were treated with Botox and 30 with Restylane. "We're trying to determine if any aesthetic improvement will make people feel better, or if only the Botox improves moods," says Fredric Brandt, clinical associate professor of dermatology at the University of Miami.

So, which one should i try? the long E or botox? no, im not gonna try to that extend.. i'll opt for the long E then.. unless if that long E doesnt work ;)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Exciting Week!

I am super excited this week. though i know that means a lot of work and going back home late.
why am i that excited?
no no.. it's not about my daily work and routine
it's about...

Karnival Akhir Sukan Antara Jabatan 2010 Proton!

No No.. I dont participate in any sports
I'm involved directly with the marching / perbarisan antara jabatan

As far as I'm concern, many people dont want to involve. but that only applied for other department except for mine, Casting dept. we are all excited when it comes to this event. It has been discontinued for about 4 years. I was involved last time in year 2006, as a "pemegang sepanduk". that was my first year in Proton, and in Casting Dept. People were cheering loudly as we passed by, since not many ladies presented their dept. I was quite embarassed, but being a "tough" girl, I put aside my feeling and control macho..haha.. recalling on that day, i felt so funny. i wore chinese cheong sam, while the other ladies wore sari and baju kurung (as rep for malay, chinese and indian).
The event will be held this sunday. and it was a tight duration for us to prepare. but we're trying our best. hopefully we could finish it off before the event.
I'll update on the event next week ;)
wish us luck!
We need the point to ensure our department will come out as "Juara Keseluruhan" this year!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Trip to I-city

Last 2 weeks was great for our lil family.As promised, Mr husband brought us (me, Lissa & my sis, Ara) to I-city. We were supposed to go on Thursday night, but since my husband was quite tired that day after work, we decided we should go the next day. This was the 2nd attempt for us to visit the place. we went there last time, saturday nite, and the place was so packed with people. cars were queuing up!! so we decided to turn back, and returned another day. The scenery was amazing. no words can describe the beauty of colorful lights.. enjoy the pix!

Lissa-amazed by the colorful scenery!

me, my sis Ara & Lissa

Love this one!

Our lil family

So many pictures to upload, yet so sleepy.. Next entry? wait for entry trip to kuantan (hmm..ntah bile la..hehe)

Notes: Thank you mr hubby for bringing us to this nice place! looking forward for another trip ;) muahhss!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Babbling about work

Oh, what's that?
That is the reason why i'm super busy lately. Paper work to be done for project up to RM1.4 million a year. 
Yes, it has to go through our Dato' MD. but before that, need to convince one of the toughest top guy in Proton, Dr. Epple. Obviously, he is a brilliant person, and as a Deutsche, he is definitely very advanced on automotive industry.
Having said that, i know i have to put up my best for this paper. and unfortunately, a paper which is supposed to be done in a group, ended up with me alone..
Trying to stay calm..
and the result?
I've completed it!!
only for submission to my superior-which is the 1st level..
and i have another 6 levels to tackle.. haha..good luck with that!!

Today, Lissa turns 8 months old.. Happy 8-month old Birthday, Lissa dear!
Really, time flies so fast!
I'll update on the celebration later..
**eh eh, mr hubby, ade ke celebration utk baby Lissa? hehe..
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