To the world, you maybe one person. But to me, you are the World! It's as easy to stay in love with you as it was to fall in love.
With each year, I love you more and more
Because you are the gift in my life, I give you my gift of LOVE..
Semoga dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki. Semoga menjadi suami dan abah yang penyayang. Semoga dengan bertambahnya umur, bertambah lagi kematangan..
i love you ~cinta sampai syurga~~
We celebrated his birthday last night. me, my sisters, my mom and my dad. oh, Lissa too (but she slept throughout the event)
He was shocked that we prepared the cake for him. Just want him to be happy and to know how much we all love him..
There, picture of the 3 of us.. with Lissa sleeping behind our back ;)
And Thank you Adik for preparing the cake
Airin!!!! Syikin ni...ingat lagi tak?? ..aku jumpe blog ko dari facebook ko...
ur daughter is very2 cute...hehe
Of course la ingat, syikin! bile balik msia for good?
thank you :) ko bile lagi? ehemm.. ;)
aku balik mesia for good bulan 2 ni...akhir bulan 2...
hehe...aku InsyaAllah....tungguu!!!
nanti ko balik msia, jgn lupa contact!
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