Yes, we are back from Jakarta and Bandung! The trip was so worth it..especially the shopping ;)
I'll update with the pix later on..
Now..i have to focus on our coming up 2nd baby. lately the Braxton Hicks false contractions keep on coming.. sometimes more than 3-4 hits per day. and everytime it happened, i feel like killing anyone who even smile at me! (can i sing any tony braxton song rite now to ease the pain? hehe)
How's Lissa doing? very very very demanding.. She would throw herself out if we didnt give what she wants. and also, an attention seeker! She would stand in front of tv, blocking everyone, just so people look at her. She would also did some funny faces, or sound just so people laugh at her.. cute, adorable, yet sometime very tiring.. Whenever she wants to drink milk, she would look for me. When she sleeps, she will hold my hand with the bracelet. if not, she would scream her lung out. i couldnt turn my back on her. which means i have to sleep on one side the whole nite. equals to a very major cramp to one side of my leg! Lissa...Lissa... Her abah even told her that "tinggal sebulan je lagi Lissa nak bermanja.. manja la sepuas2 nye.." and definitely, that's what she's doing right now!
Lissa.. Lissa... Lissa....
alololo...patut la banyak je pic lissa merajuk...adik die nak kuar da...takut la tu orang da tak sayang kat die..hehehe mesti kak long dulu masa epa nak dilahirkan mcm ni jugak..hehehe ^_^
huhu, selamat pulang ibuk :)
nnti cite taw psl gi bandung n jakarta..
aku g bulan 12 nie :)
nie, ko nie tgh sarat2 pun smpt lagi berjalan yer..lame plk tue..hehe
Jg diri baik2 k
ayu : ha pandai je la ckp kaklong mcm tu dulu..nyekk! lissa tu mmg attention seeker. suka sgt kalu sumer org layan dia. penat tul. kalau ramai org, lagi seronok dia wat peel ngade2 dia.. eish eish..
aizan : tu r aku tgh nak cari time nak update blog n upload gmbr. xde masa skrg ni. dgn umah tunggang langgang dikejakan lissa, brg2 dr bandung trip pun x kemas lg. ade jeik dlm beg tu..huhu..
wahh.. ko nak gi gak nanti? shopping ek? dgn jaafar ke dgn geng2 ofce?
ermm aku x kira, sarat ke tak ke, gi gak jalan..wahaha. tp yg peliknye sepanjang bjalan tu, xde pun rs lenguh kaki ke, cramp ke. balik je sini, mcm2 sakit. kaki sakit la.. agaknye sbb x bjalan kaki sakit..hehehe
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