Friday, May 29, 2009

Sempurna ... Perfect

Nice song to listen to :


Kau begitu sempurna
Dimataku kau begitu indah
kau membuat diriku
akan slalu memujamu

Disetiap langkahku
Kukan slalu memikirkan dirimu
Tak bisa kubayangkan hidupku tanpa cintamu

Janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
Takkan mampu menghadapi semua
Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa

Kau adalah darahku
Kau adalah jantungku
Kau adalah hidupku
Lengkapi diriku
Oh sayangku, kau begitu
Sempurna.. Sempurna..
Kau genggam tanganku
Saat diriku lemah dan terjatuh
Kau bisikkan kata dan hapus semua sesalku

After translate it to English :


You’re so perfect
In my eyes you’re incredibly beautiful
You made me
Will forever adore you

On every step i take
I’ll always think about you
Cant imagine my life without your love

Dont you ever leave me
I wont be able to face everything
Only being with you i could

You’re my blood
You’re my heart
You're my life
You complete me
Oh darling, you are so
Perfect, Perfect
You grasp my hand
The moment i’m weak and fall
You whisper words and wipe out all my doubts

My Magazine


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tazkirah of the Day

I found this article and felt really good to share with u, and a bit of reminder for me..

Dalam kesibukan mengejar duniawi dan kebendaan, kadang-kala kita lupa hukum hakam suami isteri dalam perkahwinan. Arus permodenan sedikit sebanyak mengikis keimanan dan ketakwaan kepada Allah SWT.

Islam meletakkan tugas dan tanggungjawab besar dan serius kepada seorang isteri terhadap suaminya. Bahkan suami adalah orang yang paling berhak ke atas isterinya selepas ibu. Boleh dikatakan syurga seorang isteri terletak di bawah telapak kaki kanan ibu dan kaki kiri suami.

Ia ditegaskan Rasulullah SAW dalam hadis diriwayatkan Saidatina Aisyah yang bermaksud: “Aku pernah bertanya kepada Baginda, Siapakah orang yang paling berhak ke atas isteri? Baginda menjawab: Orang yang paling berhak kepada isteri ialah suaminya. Kemudian aku bertanya lagi, Dan siapakah orang yang paling berhak ke atas suami? Baginda menjawab: Orang yang paling berhak ke atas seorang suami ialah ibu kandungnya.” (Hadis riwayat Bazar dan al-Hakim)

Hendak menunjukkan betapa tingginya tahap kepatuhan seorang isteri kepada suaminya, Baginda SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: “Sekiranya aku dibenarkan untuk memerintahkan seseorang bersujud kepada orang lain, nescaya aku perintahkan seorang isteri bersujud kepada suaminya.” (Hadis riwayat Tirmidzi dan Ibnu Hibban)

Sesetengah orang percaya nusyuz bersangkutan dengan isteri keluar rumah tanpa izin, ada hubungan dengan lelaki lain atau apabila isteri menuntut cerai. Sebenarnya masih banyak aspek nusyuz yang perlu didedahkan. Menyakiti hati suami juga sebahagian daripada nusyuz.

Rasulullah SAW semasa peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj, melihat ramai ahli neraka adalah daripada kalangan golongan wanita. Sahabat di kalangan wanita bertanya kenapa? Lalu Baginda SAW menjawab: “Kebanyakan ahli neraka adalah terdiri daripada kaum wanita. Maka menangislah mereka (sahabat wanita) dan bertanya salah seorang daripada mereka: Mengapa terjadi demikian, adakah kerana mereka berzina atau membunuh anak atau kafir? Baginda menjawab: Tidak. Mereka ini ialah mereka yang menggunakan lidah mereka menyakiti hati suami dan tidak bersyukur akan nikmat yang disediakan oleh suaminya.” (Hadis riwayat Muslim)

Membuat ibadat sunat tanpa izin suami boleh membawa kepada nusyuz isteri. Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud: “Tidak boleh seorang isteri mengerjakan puasa sunat jika suaminya ada di rumah serta tidak dengan izinnya, dan tidak boleh memasukkan seorang lelaki ke rumahnya (walaupun saudara-mara) dengan tidak meminta izin suaminya.” (Hadis riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

Keluar rumah tanpa izin antara perbuatan nusyuz isteri paling dilaknat Allah SWT. Sabda Rasulullah SAW bermaksud: “Apabila seorang isteri keluar rumah, sedangkan suami membencinya (tidak mengizinkannya), dia akan dilaknat semua malaikat di langit dan semua apa dilaluinya (di bumi) selain daripada jin dan manusia, sehinggalah dia kembali semula (kepada rumah suaminya).” (Hadis riwayat Thabari)

Isteri yang meminta cerai tanpa sebab dan menolak permintaan suami untuk bersetubuh juga boleh nusyuz. Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud: “Mana-mana isteri yang meminta suaminya menceraikannya (tanpa sebab yang dibenarkan syarak) haram baginya bau syurga.” (Hadis riwayat Abu Daud dan Tirmidzi)

Dari segi undang-undang syariah, diperuntukkan bahawa nusyuz isteri adalah suatu jenayah.

Seksyen 130 Enakmen Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam memperuntukkan: “Seseorang perempuan yang sengaja tidak menurut sesuatu perintah yang diberi suaminya yang sah mengikut hukum syarak adalah melakukan suatu kesalahan dan hendaklah dihukum denda tidak melebihi RM100 atau, bagi kesalahan kali kedua atau kali kemudiannya, denda tidak melebihi RM500.”

Walau bagaimanapun, nusyuz isteri itu gugur setelah beliau bertaubat dan kembali taat kepada suaminya. Puan kembalilah kepada suami, mohon ampun dan bertaubat nasuha.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Today: Officially one of the most stressful day of the month.wanna know why? what else..? my loving husband..of course! only he who can turn my life upside down, flip front to back, squeeze all the juices away, burn my heart as black as charcoal or even totally the opposite of that..melt my heart with his love and concern, bring my life as happy as a free bird, be really strong and brave once again.
what he did was not that big deal-he downloaded a game from internet thru his cellphone and the charges from Maxis up to rm250, aint that ridiculou?? however, the thing that im really mad is that he didnt apologized.. and even said "what's the matter?"! (it does matter. the fact that we're trying to reduce our spending since the baby is coming up really makes me mad - plus the fact that i couldnt buy new shoes or new shirts or new handbags really matter!)
hmm.. a friend of mine told me to control the stress.. yeah i know that stress could affect my baby.. i'm cooling down now that my stomach really hurts, and felt the baby kicks harder than usual..
oh well, enough bitching about the stress already.. now the good stuff : yesterday my husband told me something really sweet "i'm so proud of you. you are ready to become a mom" out of nowhere the words came out from him (see, told you he can make my life upside down!) probably coz i prepared lunch for him (cook for him), washed his clothes, swept the entire apartment and tidied up almost everything. (yes, i cant stand him mumbling n babbling about messy stuff lying around-even tho its just a piece of paper(can u imagine?)

surf the net and found this-so funny!

Pearl Necklace Dream

After she woke up, a woman told her husband, "I just dreamed
that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine's day. What
do you think it means?"

"You'll know tonight." he said.

That evening, the man came home with a package and gave it to
his wife. Delighted, she opened it - to find a book entitled
"The meaning of dreams"

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Old Town White Coffee

Last Sunday we went to this kopitiam.Old Town White Coffee at Damansara near to UpTown. yummy!! i had nasi lemak in a basket - Nice!! and he had mee kari.
and for drink, of course i had the famous white coffee - HOT! (though outside very hot - probably around 36 degree, but for the sake of having the very famous and tasty coffee..nothing else matter!!)
Now,you guys enjoy the view of what we had :

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Scenery from my 13th floor apartment

i'm enjoying every moment savored from my balcony

20 down, 20 to go!

Everybody kept on Congratulate me for being on half way point towards my pregnancy (well, not in real,but ya!)
Yup, i'm in week 20, and another 20 weeks to go. time flies really fast!! realizing it or not, i'm in fact will be a mother, which is, i dont know, probably out of my league. how could i be like my mom : who cooks breakfast early in the morning, who washes every dish in the sink, who washes every clothes left dirty and scattered all around the house, who listened to every probs that her kids poured out, who suffered thru ups and downs of her kids mischiefs. wow! i could go on and on the list, but the truth is a mother should be someone who really capable of handling the world problem. the question is : am i really capable? hmm.. time will tell. and people will grow and be matured as situation preceeds, rite?
Alrite, enough rambling about being a good mother. as far as i'm concern, i'm quite struggling enuff to be a good wife. this week i already start cooking for my dearest hubby. it seems fine, and compelling for him to eat and swallow my sometimes-not-so-good cooking..hehe.
but anyway, my belly starts to pop out a lil bit. my breaths shorter especially after climbing steps every morning. but the truth, i really enjoy feeling my baby moving inside me. feels so close though sometimes weird. i found this article from one of the mommy-to-be.
"The best part about when the baby started to kick meant that we had “Interactive Fetus!” Interactive Fetus was a lot of fun. You could blow on your belly and make her jump. If you pressed enough, she’d start to kick. And sometimes, if her Daddy stuck his face next to the belly and talked long enough, she’d kick him in the face."
I'm gonna try this some time.. but i figure it already happened. sometimes when i crossed my leg, which will make my belly kinda tighter, the baby will start making some moves. telling me to make some room for him/her. wut a miracle!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wow, my weight increment in GOOD progressed!

Update please..
sorry readers. been busy with work stuff.
ok.wut to tell..oh ya! last tuesday we went for the 4th checkups. well, everything looked okay. and the doc really impressed with my weight progressed. last time i did weight a lil 200 grams extra than last month, which was NOT GOOD.. but this time around, an extra 2.3 kg compared from last month. GOOD PROGRESSED!! at least 2 kg per month for a normal weight increased. now i'm 57.8 kg (which was my previous normal weight before i got preggy, and before i got all the morning sickness stuff).
we did the ultrasound and seemed like our baby didnt like the 'brightness' scan. he/she kept on changing position thru out the session. but though, our doc could predict the baby would be a She.. well..well.. too early though. but.. my hubby was the happiest person to hear that. me? YEAY!! all the pink stuff kept on flashing thru my mind! hahaha. nice one!! nevertheless, i dont mind having a boy.. either one is fine with me, as long as the baby is healthy, strong, and bright..and plus, would be a soleh/solehah person. (aminnnn)

though busy with the work and life stuff.. another event to conduct..
Proton Casting Plant Department Bowling Tournament
I've been selected as one of the Urusetia (as previous year - to collect money, to do name listing, to set the present, to calculate the budget- in fact, all stuff)
yesterday me and my hubby (who is the Pengurus) went for present shopping - yeay! since 60 participants joined, we bought 60 presents plus 2 for highest score Male & Female, 2 for Lowest Score Male & Female and 5 mystery gifts. though no sponsorship this time around, we managed to squeeze the money for 69 types of presents. wut a great pengurusan, rite? hehe (pat on the my shoulder)
the game would be held at Sunway Pyramid, this coming Saturday, 16th May 09. cant wait to see the acts.. all the Longkang Bowlers..hahaha
oh fyi.. i didnt compete like last year.. uhuk.. preggy mom, stay away from throwing ball!! :(

alrite peeps.. got to go.. see ya when i got to write soon!!
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