my berpantang mode still on.. it's just that i manage to escape a few routine that was previously done during my confinement time with Lissa. hehe.. as usual, the bertangas thingy, i did only twice.. bertungku, not yet done, i was waiting for my order of tungku moden to arrive ( i placed order a day before i deliver and due to no stock at that time, the shipment has been delayed. it shud be arrived by this wk). Pilis? yes, a few times applied it. now, not yet anymore. Param? aha, also few times, but only applied it on my legs. Tapel? no no, used it previously, and rashes kept on coming..
As for the menu, i ate many things. luckily my mom is on medical background. so all the superstitious pantang larang from our nenek moyang were dished!..hehe.. thank God. the first day, i already ate chicken porridge.
Luckily this time, i manage to bf Hanie all the way. She never tasted any formula. i did have enough bm to feed her. Alhamdulillah.. however, as before, i suffer major blister. everytime during the feed, i almost wanted to scream.. and she sucks so strong.. pray to God that i'll manage to go through this experience and endure all these pain.
Having to juggle 1 baby and 1 toddler at one time was a chaotic experience! With this baby growing up, having to feed her almost every 2 hours.. Last night was a disaster.. She didnt want to sleep..She wanted to be feed from 12 am to 5:30 am! imagine how my blister that i got...i was sleepy and tired and couldnt do anything but feed her...
Enough rambling about all these.. i need to enjoy these days passed by..
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Till we meet again!
airin, cute laa ur baby... nanti nak tgk secara live pulak, insya Allah...
citer ko pasal blister tuh, aku paham sesangat... time aku dulu, everytime baby nak bf aku pejam mata baca Bismillah... both for me n baby.. hahaha.. nway it will be gone soon so no need to worry n enjoy ur pantang okay... cheers....
congratulation dear..
dila, tq2.. nanti datang la umah. by next week aku dah ade kat shah alam. hmm blister tu, masyaAllah.. punye la seksa.. masa lissa dulu pun dah rs.. skrg rs lagi. mmg seksa. tp bersabar je la.. byk je bzikir..hehe.. tp skrg dah kurang sket. aku pakai nipple butter. punya la mahal. tp berbaloi.hehe
balkis..thank you :)
ala comey lissa n hanie..lissa tk kacau hanie??
happy by dear..
nadia mcm x tau lissa caner..aritu pn dgn babyv ryan sibuk nk kiss. samala dgn hanie, sibuk je nk kiss. kdg2 klu kite tak perasan, dia nk korek mata la..mulut la. mmg btuah tul..
so nadia dh officially abih pantang ye?
chopp!!! nak tanya soalan bodoh... camna dbalkis kenal airin?? aku kawan ngan airin time kat mrsm n matrix... aku kawan ngan dbalkis bila dah keje ptd... n aku surprise bila tau yg korang pun kenal each other... hahahha gile tertinggal keretapi aku nih...
dila, x kenal in real. aku rs dbalkis jumpa blog aku dr blog ko. so berkenalan di alam maya je la :)
ohh... no wonder laa.. ingat u olls mmg kenal each other... hihi.. takper, mengeratkan ukhuwah itu bagus
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