
Friday, December 26, 2014

Latest Premium Beautiful Corset Testimonies & Tips How to Lose Weight PART 1

Hye all!!

Just received many many new testimonies of Premium Beautiful Corset for our new campaign on PB Wonders.
Do follow our hashtags #PBWonders, #TheDiamondCircle and #GengDietTDC on Facebook and also Instagram for more updates testimonies.
Kak Mai, 37 years old and a mother of 3

Nad, Penang, 22 years old loss 10 kg over a month!

Siti Kamariah, 32 years old, mother of 1, loss 8 kg also in a month

Liyana, 32 years old, loss more than 10 kg!

Faeza, 35 years old, mother of 4, recently gave birth to kid no 4 and still breastfeeding. She definitely cant avoid food since she needs it for milk supply. how she did it? read further below

Yong, 26 years old, got a different body shape now within 6 months.

Lea, 32 years old. Loss significant weight!

Wani Ameen, wearing niqab wont stop her to stay in shape and taking care of her own body, After all, it is for her husband.
So now you wanna know what have they done to loss these kgs?

Let me share with you their secret (and mine too) :

1. Wear consistently Premium Beautiful Corset

You can either choose Premium Beautiful Elegance (left) or Premium Beautiful Classic (right)
 Or you can just contact me, your authorized agent to help you decide.

2. Take Set Kurus Budget

What is Set kurus budget? No, it is definitely not a pil kurus!! That will be sooo unhealthy! we want to be slim and fit and healthy at the same time. Pil kurus wont do that.

Set Kurus Budget consists of :
Mineral Coffee - To replace minerals in your body, garam buluh or bamboo salt to detox your body, and the coffee itself will occupied your stomach from feeling hungry.
Garlic Tablet - To burn off fat and also ANTI-AGING!!

BV Alfalfa - Will help to detox, promotes good digestive system. It also helps lower cholestrol level in body.
 Yeah, just consume all three of these products - under Set Kurus Budget. One set sold at RM130 per set, you save RM6.10, compared if you bought it separately.

3. Exercise twice to three times a week

Wont be a problem. You may start with indoor activity if you dont have time to jog outside. You may choose doing some lunges, donkey kicks or zumba like i shared previously in my post. You may click here for lunges, donkey kicks and zumba activity.

4. Drink water

Drink about 2 liters and momre daily. This helps to detox.

5. Get friends!!

Everything will be fun if we do it in groups. If you are interested and serious about losing weight, you may be part of our Geng Diet TDC. No, you dont have to worry if you are not glampreneurs or the diamond circle. The group is open to everyone who wish to loss their weight. it is more fun doing it ramai2 ;) Do let me know if you want to be part of the geng diet TDC.

Have fun all!

notes : I will share on part 2 soon!!


You may contact me through whatsapp at 017-6511966, email , follow me in instagram @airin_diana or facebook at Airin Diana Anuar.

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