
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015

I hope it is still not too late to wish all of ya Happy New Year!!

Yup, 2014 has been quite a rough year for me. but lets not think about the bitterness of 2014, rather lets reminisce the sweet memory in 2014.

Here you go..

1. Hanie's first time joining school
Tho she was just 3 years old, she did join the 4-year old class. Surprisingly, she enjoys it very much. so far, she knows how to write her name, opps, i mean the first letter "H". She also knows her full name : Nur Aireena Hanie Myazara. kuddos Hanie! looking forward for a brighter year 2015!

2. Career changed
Finally i left my 9-years of working at Proton and joined Sime Darby. Alhamdulillah, it was for a better offer, better position, better almost everything, except for the work loads. yeah, i finally step out of the comfort zone and just Go for it!

3. Business Progress
Alhamdulillah. Im maturing in the business, though still learning. Becoming a team leader wasnt easy. but yeah, i learn a lot! Year 2014 also witnessed more potential leaders and potential diamonds appeared in my team. Cant wait to walk hand in hand with them this 2015.

4. Free Trip 2014
Had a great fun at Gold Coast

Fun with business partner Afizah Nordin

With the team, The Diamond Circle

Honeymoon with hubby
Though i still owe few days for Gold Coast trip!! I will try to complete the whole trip

Then to Shanghai, Not as we expected China to be, Shanghai is a modern city, like Europe and even modern than KL.
Yeah i know, have not yet started blogging on the trip. bear with me... ampun! 

5. Diamond Night Award
Another achievement. Alhamdulillah, berkat doa my mom, my dad, my husband.. berkat usaha.. I am here. Tho the journey still lot to go, but i am thankful.
This is the beginning for a success.
(oh yeah, missed this entry too!!)

Such an honour!

Donning a dress by Ashraff Zainal

2014. thank you

2015. Got so many projects for business.
So many planning for future with family and career development
Ive got so many to thank for.
Thank you Allah.

2015, bring it on!!
