
Friday, March 7, 2014

Gold Coast, Here We Come : Day 2 Paradise Jet Boating

Continuation from Day 1 Nights Out.

The next day, Monday, 17th February 2014, our day 2 in Gold Coast.

We woke up with the sound of the waves and the sea breeze. It was super relaxing as compared to the hectic Monday morning to work! lol! totally different.

The shining bright sun at 6:30 am

And the view of the sea..oh i missed it a lot!!

We are blue today!

We went to 2nd floor to have the buffet breakfast. It was prepared special to only for Glampreneurs. and of course it was all halal.

Me taking picture with the Hanis Haizi Protege.
Love their spirit and enthusiasm. Havoc!!

Right before we left, hubby took picture next to the ATM in the hotel lobby

They also provide multiple selection of holiday packages. Luckily ours have been arranged. takde la pening kepala nak pilih yang mana kan? hehe
Our first destination for Day 2 is to Paradise Jet Boating ride.The boat ride will bring you up to 80km/h, with high speed spins, turns, twists and slides! 

On our way to the Paradise Jet Boating,  we saw a lot of constructions going on. We found out that Gold Coast is going to be the host for Olympic Games in 2018. They are building the train/subway station in town

Arrived at the Marine Town. It took less than 15 minutes traveled from hotel

The cafe was closed. it was too early, 8 am in the morning.
The large speed boat. i bet my dad's gonna love this

Let's check in Here!

Cantik sangat view kat sini

The guys in The Diamond Circle. Manja gethu!

The love of my life.

Met with CDM Sha Khalid. She was in 9th week of pregnancy. nampak sangat letih but didnt disappoint to give her best and sweetest smile. get well soon, sha!

Our speed boat. This boat can accommodate up to 12 people.
The other one, bigger than this can accommodate til 20 people

Since we couldnt bring a thing afraid of getting it lost in the middle of the sea, we can only have this picture

Us, again.

Me and Afizah with these two young girls. Both from Northern, loghat utara pun pekat, but they managed to qualify themselves in the trip.

Taking picture before we went to the next destination

The Diamond Circle girls


Hubby with the Australian car, Olden

Another delicious Olden

PROTON Satria spotted in Australia!! Bangga jadi anak Malaysia and Proton staff..hehe
Last picture before we went to the next destination, The SEAWORLD!!
From here to Seaworld took about 5 minutes. very near.

Anyone interested to know more about this Paradise Jet Boating, you may view their website HERE

Stay tuned for the updates in the next entry Day 2 Seaworld.


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