
Monday, March 10, 2014

Let's Pray for MH370


I started this morning with more tears to my eyes. Stuck in traffic to work for almost an hour, listening to news on the MH370, made my heart goes to everyone of family and friends who are involved.

And one of the passengers is my friend. Suhaili Mustafa. She was my unimate in Purdue University since day 1 in 2001 til 2005. We took the same course in Industrial Engineering in the State. 

As far as i've ever known here, she is a very cheerful person and brilliant student. Since there weren't many of Malaysians, we were very closed to one another, tagged along, watched movies together, celebrated Hari Raya together for four years in a row. Oh, there were so many sweet memories of 4 years with her. Praying for her to come back home safely.
My friend, Suhaili Mustafa
MH370 is a Boeing 777-200 aircraft on a code share with China Southern Airlines. It departed Kuala Lumpur at 12.41 am today for Beijing. The aircraft was scheduled to land at Beijing International Airport at 6.30am local Beijing time. The flight had a total number of 227 passengers and 12 crew members. The passengers were from 14 different countries, most of whom are from China.

Malaysia Airlines confirms that flight MH370 had lost contact with Subang Air Traffic Control at 2.40am, today. 

The flight was carrying a total number of 239 passengers and crew – comprising 227 passengers (including 2 infants), 12 crew members. The passengers were of 14 different nationalities - citizens from:-
  1. China – 152 plus 1 infant
  2. Malaysia - 38
  3. Indonesia - 12
  4. Australia - 7
  5. France - 3
  6. United States of America – 3 pax plus 1 infant
  7. New Zealand - 2
  8. Ukraine - 2
  9. Canada - 2
  10. Russia - 1
  11. Italy - 1
  12. Taiwan - 1
  13. Netherlands - 1
  14. Austria - 1
The flight was piloted by Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, a Malaysian aged 53. He has a total flying hours of 18,365 hours. He joined Malaysia Airlines in 1981. 
Left, First Officer, Fariq Ab Hamid. Right, Captain Zaharie.
First officer, Fariq Ab.Hamid, a Malaysian, is aged 27. He has a total flying hours of 2,763 hours. He joined Malaysia Airlines in 2007.

2 Hours into flight. 140miles of the east Malaysia coast at 35,000ft. Its cruising in clear weather.

All Boeing 777s come equipped with transponders that transmit updates to air traffic controllers, but Flight MH370 never reported anything amiss. The jets also carry emergency beacons so that if something goes wrong, search teams can find the plane — but no signals were received from MH370′s beacon.

An article wrote by our dearie friend's brother, Lokman Mustafa. It just brought tears to my eyes.

You may read the whole article HERE

Thoughts and prayers are with all passengers, the crew and their family members.

Let's pray for MH370 to come back home safely.
Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.


  1. Pray for MH370 :(

    Semoga semuanya selamat pulang. We waiting for U MH 370

  2. Thank you Airin...please continue to pray & make doa.

    nizam mustafa

  3. Thank you...please continue to pray & make doa

  4. Thank you Airin...please continue to pray & make doa.

    nizam mustafa
