
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Gold Coast, Here We Come : Day 1 Paradise Country Farm

Hye all

After our journey from KLIA, Malaysia-Changi Airport, Singapore-Brisbane, Australia, three countries within 8 hours travel time, we have safely arrived at Brisbane Airport. (Click Here for the previous Entry)
Once arrived, we were directed to take a tour bus according to our group, E2. 
I immediately made the We Chat Video call to my lovely kids. just 1 day apart, we are missing both of them already :)

Off we go!
And our first destination was to Paradise Country Farm
You may view the web HERE

From Brisbane Airport to reach to the Farm, we need to take the Motorway M1 the Pacific Way.
It took about 20 to 30 minutes journey.

This was our tour guide, Terry from Malaysia.

We were enjoying the view along the drive.

Each one of us were given a cap, with Gold Coast written on it.

We received a very special letter from the Gold Coast CEO Tourism Corporation

Along with the Paradise Country Farm map

and some goodies and detail information about Gold Coast

If you noticed, the grass were almost brownish. It was super HOT!!
We passed by a theme park called the Dream World.

This wasnt on our destination during the trip. But i bet, i'm gonna be there someday! Just look at the height of the Roller Coaster!! I LOVE IT!!

Once arrived, we were directed to the lunch area.

The Girls in The Diamond Circle team

Once arrived, about 1 pm, we immediately grab the lunch buffet.

Of course i choose the steak. and dont worry, it is all HALAL in the restaurant.
They even displayed the Halal Certificate from the Australian Islamic body.
The restaurant was so big. and having everything buffet made it all Awesome!!!

The cutlery

Queued up.
Most of the customers were from GLAM. ngeee!

After we have lunch, we headed to the show where this cowboy showed us how to make a cup of tea the old-style

I believe these tourists from China

It was all heat and sun and of course, more sun burn!!

This guy was the Hero of the Farm.

A volunteer from GLAM, CDM Shukran

He showed how to swing the pail over his head with hot tea inside of it!

Once the tea is ready, we were served by a corn bread and the hot tea. Okay, in the middle of hot and sunny afternoon sun, hot tea was "just" nice!! lol!
Hubby, enjoying the sun!

Dah biasa berjemur during golfing, was no issue to him

After the Tea Show, we were presented with the Horse versus.....

...Tractor show!!
They were showing how fast a horse could be if compared with a tractor.

All burned out!

We took a group photo of almost 100 glampreneurs there.

Now, the making of The Diamond Circle video.

Take 2

Take 3.

Take 4

Oh this one was very funny!!
We were supposed to just throw the cap

Just throw, okay! not jump!!! haha

Okay, this one should be the perfect one..

As like this.
Love this picture sooo much!

I am a GLAMpreneur.
and I love travel, especially FOR FREE!

Next to the Sheep Shearing Show
Notice the same Hero?? hehe

the sheeps was very well-trained. They came running from back and knew where to stand

and the shearing process begun.

the sheep was so relaxed, she didnt care how ever or which ever way the guy held her.

Then off we went to the Kangaroo Farm
Hubby showing off his care for animal

I never thought that a kangaroo was not very friendly and tame. 

The fur was not that soft.

and you have to chase for it to hold it

Still cant hold it still

Until...! you have their food on your hand!
Then the kangaroos will remain by your side
Geli okay!!


and the koala bear.

Me and CDM Shaliza Aziz.
She was the person who brought me to this business and realized my dream to be at Gold Coast, Australia
Thanks mentor, leader, friend. I treasure every miles we went together.

Me with husband, whom is very supportive of me since Day 1 I started the business.

Me and business partner, Afizah Nordin, whom stays strong with me all the way through the business. We have went through A LOT!! It doesnt matter what people in the office thought of us, being so cynical about us.
Fiza, we will have a lot more good and fulfill our dreams together!! always!!

Hubby on the buggy.

Konon feeling on the gold courses. LOL!

and the visit at the Paradise Country Farm almost ends.

Lets follow me back

and I am GLAMpreneur

The Farmyard before we hit the exit

kambing ke lembu tu ek? hehe

Oh, on the way out, terserempak with this handsome cowboy.
So sporting to snap the pix together.

Segerombolan pulang

Terbakar muka ku, okay!
It was close to 35 degree Celcius, i believe.

The walkway to the parking lot

And off we go to the Hotel

We passed by the Main Beach, Gold Coast

Oh, the yatch

The Yacht Club for the rich rich guy

We passed by the exit to Sea World.
Yeah our Day 2 Itinerary

and there you go, the Surfers Paradise Beach

The seabreeze

and we arrived at the entrance of the road to our hotel, The Outrigger Surfers Paradise Hotel
The Hotel

and time to take a rest for 2 hours before we go to for dinner.

The Welcome Note
(You may view the HOTEL REVIEW entry here) be continue...


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