
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The 21st Anniversary

Hello All!

Just got back from the 21st Anniversary of our beloved company, Hai-O Marketing Sdn Bhd. It was so grand with the opening ceremony by representative from KPDNKK, held at MIECC Seri Kembangan.

Alhamdulillah. company has reached the 21st year of anniversary. Semakin kukuh, semakin kuat. Thank God I am with the right company.

Ok, let me tell the story from the early morning.

I've the dress ready. It is a long black dress. (still remember my entry on my "pencarian Black Dress"? Click HERE)
And you know what, i get it done during my trip to Krabi last month. Who would ever thought that Krabi have great tailors over there with very very reasonable price. (oh, i blog about the Krabi trip soonest possible, kay)
I selected this type of dress 
And within 1 day it is done!

And of course, mr hubby suddenly wanted to make a new suit.
and it was after my dress is done. It was already 9:30 pm that day and we were leaving the next day by 10 am.
Luckily the tailor was very skillful. They told us, the fitting be done immediately and of course by the next day, the suit will be ready.
And they kept the promise. We went to their store at 9 am and it was done!! within less than 24 hours.
fuhh.. if kat malaysia, jangan haraplah kan?

And there we were. happy and satisfied.
Lissa was no where to be found here. she just refused to take picture together. Diva la katakan. ahaks!
So Dress done. What's next?

I've chosen my make up done by the famous make up artist, Chika the Divas, who has done me previously during the photoshoot with Hafiz Atan early this year (click here)

Me and my business partner, Eda Edros who came all the way from Utara the other night, went to Marriot Putrajaya where our leader Shaliza Aziz has booked a room for us to get ready. Thanks also to Yong, Ieja's partner who let us get ready in the same room.

We arrived around 9:30 am after berpusing-pusing finding Marriot Hotel. The GPS, the Waze and Google Maps both showed out of nowhere location of the hotel. Stress betul. Siap tanya guard and he told us : Buang je lah gps tu, tak berguna pun. erk? sentap la pulak. lol!

Right when we arrived, had my nasi lemak breakfast and chika was ready to make over me ;)
As usual, the gadgets!
While i was been make up by Chika, my business partner, Eda was ready.
Her make up was done by Bobocinta, the make up artist of Alyah (you can follow Bobo at Instagram @bobocinta) 

And i'm done!! am sooo in love with the touch. This was totally different from previous make up.
sweeter with pinkish tone and as usual, the Rozita Che wan eye lashes ;)
The great thing about Chika is the make up was done within less than an hour, but the result? kaboom!!!

Am so ready for the event
(oh, this was before i put on the lipstick. ala natural la kononnya. nak gak try buat style Shila Amzah.hehe)

Me and our leader CDM Ieja, ready for her celebration.
Both make up done by Chika

With yong, also done by Chika
You can see different people, different look, right?

With Eda

Ok, now lets go!!
The talented Chika the Divas.
Thank you so much Chika for the touch. Love it love it love it!!
Anyone of you would like to get in touch with Chika, call at 016-6053282 (ig @chikathedivas)

With Mr Love. Arrived at MIECC and started snapping pictures. a must do activity!

with lovely Eda Edros.
She is my business partner from Utara, Sungai Petani.
Works as an executive at one of automotive manufacturing at Sungai Petani.
Distance was never a barrier for us. We communicate through phone, whatsapp and i can still guide her though we are far.
Alhamdulillah, she will be my very next Diamond!
Do follow her at instagram @edaedros or visit her blog here

We had a chance to take a look at the new launched Premium Beautiful called Premium Beautiful Elegance.

It focused more on reshaping and maintaining the body shape

Suitable for those who already have Premium Beautiful Classic, and would just love to maintain the curve.
The material is so soft. you feel like not wearing corset at all!
So comfortable and like the name, elegance!

Oh, here another business partner. Mr Zulidzham Arif from Seremban. He is who he is, shy and single (opps, not available okay!)
An Engineer at one of the semi conductor factory at Senawang.
His remarkable achievement was to sell off all his Bio Velocity Sleep Mate stocks within 2 weeks!!
Bravo to him!
Do follow him on instagram @zulidzhamarif or blog here
The so big stage at MIECC.
If i were Ieja, i'll be nervous to the spine!! 

Me with the GLAM Lelaki team, Mr love Rosman and Zul.

Us, hubby was so tired after back from work. but he still followed me to show how supportive he was. I am the lucky girl to have this husband. Not many of husbands out there who support their wife like my husband.
Thank you Allah for blessing me with this lovely husband.

Part 1 started off with celebrating 3 of the Crown Diamond Manager (the highest level) from Glampreneurs.
In total, 6 of CDM were from Glam. New CDM in 2013.
A great achievement!
Then we had fun during Misha Omar presentation. All glampreneurs were already prepared in front of the stage because right after misha omar finished her songs, we were about to escort our CDM Maisarah Ibrahim to give speech.
So there we were, hanging in front of the stage. dah macam groupie plak. enjoying misha omar's songs.
It was fun, it was exciting. Betul-betul standing in front of Misha, she was petite and very pretty.
Scary plak when at one moment she was pointing straight at me. agaknya because i was taller than anybody else kat situ, memang confirm nampak. lol! perasan!
Oh her voice, SUPERB!!!
Just look at the crowd!! if you can spot our CDM Razali Zain in the middle. Semangat!
I was super ecstatic with the small concert. lama dah x berlibur macam ni. lol!

Me with lovely Shaliza Aziz aka Ieja. The biggest celebration in her life, part of her successful journey in business.
Me? will be next. insyaAllah
Can you spot me? We had sooo much fun on the stage. After more than a month practice the Goyang Duyu dance to escort CDM Maisarah, we finally did it very well.
Thanks to CDM Razali Zain for making it alive!!
Sooo gonna miss the fun of it.
Why this Goyang Duyu song? If you read through the lyrics, yes it is all about friendship.
"Jika Hatimu terluka karena sesuatu,
Jika kau mencari cara tuk obati dirimu
Marilah kawanku, marilah bersamaku
Biarkanlah laguku coba menghibur dirimu
Check out the lyrics HERE

Yes, i am blessed to have business partners like these guys, and gurls.
All of them are very positive people.
Thanks all!!! 
Both of them are my business partners
Different background.
Us, Pink Diamonds of The Diamond Circle with our CDM Shaliza Aziz.
This is my business partner from Shah Alam
She is an engineer at Good Year Manufacturing.
We met through Instagram. we never know one another.
but after 2 months been business partners, we are sooo closed.
InsyaAllah my other candidate for Diamond.
You can follow her on instagram @elismamunahdar and read her blog HERE
This is Dylla Azmi. She was also a stranger to me.
We met when she ordered a Marine Essence Beauty Bar.
She was a fulltime housewife. previously worked as an IT engineer but resigned to take care of her little baby.
Now she is a full time mompreneur, doing this business solely from home.
How fun is that?
You can follow her on instagram @dylla_azmi or read her blog here
This is my loyal and most dedicated business partner.
She still works at Proton as Section Manager.
Having to know her back in 2005, she is a good friend of mine now that we are partners.
In good and in bad, in laughs and tears. we stick to one another although there are so many negative people especially in our working environment.
Be strong, be patience, we will be on top on the world one day and it wont take long.
Do follow her on instagram @afizahnordin79 or read her blog here

This is one of The Diamond Circle under CDM Ieja, Faezah. She came all the way from Johor.
We became close now back from our trip to Korea last September.
She was a banker before and now doing this business fulltime.
and her famous word : "Motif?"

And this is Ain, also from Johor. We were schoolmates back in MRSM Jasin batch 1998/99.
Dulu hi hi bye bye je. but now we are closer. Travel sama2 and jadi sangat2 close.
We motivate one another.
She is an engineer at one of reputable company in Johor, but still doing business as part time. Her aim? Same as me, to achieve Financial and Time Freedom.
GLAM Lelaki. From left Ezam (Ain's hubby), In the middle Pete (Faeza's hubby) and on the right my love.
Dah jadi close sebab hari2 chatting in our special "Gold Coast Kami Datang" whatsap group ;)

And with my partner, Zul.
There was no question anymore. This business can be done by guys. no doubt about it.
And this is me taking picture in front of the celebrated CDM Shaliza Aziz. soo proud!!
Ieja's team, The Diamond Circle. My business partners were three on her right and left. duduk dekat, aura lagi sampai ;)

The excited Diamond Circle
Out of these CDMs celebrated, 6 of it are from GLAM.
Just imagine, in 1 year our Hanis Haizi managed to lahirkan 6 of the highest ranking, with at least RM2 millions sales each.

And there she goes.
The proudest moment when ieja came out from the door.
It almost brought tears to my eyes to see her achievement this far.
Congratulations, Ieja.
The beautiful gorgeous dress by Rizman Ruzaini, The make up by Chika, everything looked so perfect!
A celebration to be remembered.

Right after the event, we went outside to witness our dream car and the new launched of Engine Oil JTX 1000 Gold.

Hubby's interviewed by tv station??
No lah. it was a moment when he spoke for Ieja's video. congratulate her on her highest achievement

And me too. dah la speech tak buat langsung. just speak straight from my heart, gitew

There will be a moment during the business i felt like giving up, when everybody around me says enuff, when the rain and storm are coming, but when i think over the people i loved, my husband, my two daughters, my mom, my dad and their sacrifice throughout my journey, i paused for a while and rethink over and decided and very determined to fulfill my dreams, to fulfill their dreams.
and Alhamdulillah, i make a right decision.
InsyaAllah, God will always be there for me, with the prayers from the loved ones.
And with guidance from these two lovely persons, Ieja and his husband, insyaAllah, we will work closely as in a team and soon succeed!

And thank you for your endless support, Mr hubby.
You are my breath, my strength, my life.
Without you, I am nobody.
 With that said, we ended the 21st anniversary event that day.
and it wasnt over yet!

We immediately drove to Marriot Putrajaya Hotel for the GLAM Dinner 2.0, most glam dinner ever.

Stay tuned for the updates!!! I promised, it was all FUN!!

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