
Friday, November 8, 2013

Seoul, Here We Come : Day 3 Part 1 Lotte World Free Duty

Not over with the Korea Heat?
You bet!

Day 3 of our free trip to Seoul, started with yellow theme.
Gooood Morning Seoul!!
We are Yellow today.
This time before shoot the pix, we remember to shut the toilet door.hehe

The Diamond Circle with our Hanis Haizi

Gossip girls!!
Sempat lagi makcik belah kiri tu posing sakan ek

The Beautiful Hanis Haizi
Us with the talented millionaire couple, Hanis Haizi and Razali Zain
Hanis Haizi : FAT in the Butt!! lol!
Sempat masuk video korea ;)

Again, the combination of bus C1 and C2

Me with our tour Guide, Elis
We were in the same highschool, MRSM Jasin. but we never thought that we'll be this close.
GLAM menyatukan dua hati.ahaks!

Puas posing, now time for breakfast

Kimchi!! Instead of saying cheese

Kenapa kah saya memegang tangan CDM Sha Khalid sebegitu rupa? lol!
She is my idol. In her early thirties now achieve her time freedom, previously was an IT engineer at IBM, drove a Kenari, now totally transformed! driving a Mercedes and changed profession from an engineer to a full time mompreneur.
Had our heavy breakfast before continuing to the next station

Chai tea dia sangat pelik okay!
Boleh tak ada bendera Malaysia over there? Nampak sangat selalu malaysians singgah sini.

The whole Bus C2
The GLAM Lelaki
Aheemm.. my handsome man

Creative right?

The big palace

Posed before we went in the Lotte Duty Free
Ready to rumble?? yeah right!

Masuk je, terus serbu area cosmetics. Memang bley jadi gila. the multiple options available. with the bargain price!!
Face Shop, Nature Republic, you name it!

Macam2 jenis masks ade. for face, eyes, foot, lips. rambang mataaa

Laneige sangat murah, okay!

Also the branded, designer boutique
and Chanel. a must visit.
CDM Razali tunggu CDM Hanis kat luar boutique je sebab dah penat 

our couple posed

Police sunglasses

Kak Shima, is already on a management level at Sime Darby, but still looking for her time freedom in this business

At the Lotte Worl Star Avenue
Feeling KPop!

Muka dah penat

But he's still smilling

The fame

Boleh tak i tak kenal anyone of the KPop star. anyone of you kenal? Show me which one..erk

Omaigad!! SALE!!!

Kat depan Lotte Bus pun nak amik pix..hehe
Ok, next destination was the Cruise at Han River.

Stay tuned for the updates!!!


To catch on the previous entries on the Seoul, Here We come, you may click here :
The Departure 
Day 1 : Dondaemon
Day 1 : Gala Dinner
Day 2 : Paju Outlet
Day 2 : Lotte World Theme Park
Day 2 : The Nights Out

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