
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Most Glam Dinner

Hi All

As promised from my yesterday's entry (click here), now i tell you the sweetest celebration and the fun during our Glam Dinner Most Glam held at Marriot Putrajaya that night.

The theme was Hollywood.

Touch up before heading to the ballroom at Marriot Putrajaya

With the lovely Sha Khalid. She is one of my leader, who resigned her previous job as an IT Engineer at IBM.
Now fulfilling her dreams with GLAM and achieved Time and Money freedom.
Such an inspiration!!
Her dress done by Aleng Tohara

The beautiful candy buffet

Very nice, suitable with those who have sweet tooth!

That chocolate balls sangat-sangat sedap, okay!

Oh, chocolate cupcakes. i love it!
The tix to the GLAM Dinner, most glamorous event of the year

With the James Bond of GLAM ;)
Farouk who is a teacher. At 25, he has achieve so much in this business.
Impressed with him. and his smile, of course

This is Echak. Petite and cute. but very dedicated towards this business
Oh, i love her dress. sangat cantik and sweet, okay!

Lets eat before we can enter the ballroom.

With business partners
Hubby with a medical doctor. He has a clinic by his own, but doing this business to support his wife.
Now both he and his wife earn more than his doctor's salary.

With the strategist and co-founder of GLAM, Mr Razali Zain.
He was an IT Manager at IBM. resigned to do business together with his wife, Hanis Haizi.
Sangat creative.

The Lovely Hanis Haizi.
Without her, there'll be no us.
nuff said.

The Handsome Glam Lelaki.

The lovely us. on the left, Olyn, who is a civil engineer. hari-hari mengadap terik matahari
Doing this business as part timer. Aiming for more especially to raise her 2 daughters.
Love this picture!!! ;)

Kelakar la these guys when meet up
Ada je yang lawak.
All with different background.
But they clicked once in business

And it was the time to enter the ballroom.
The place was beautiful!!

Hollywood GLAM Night

We got table No 27.

The Menu of Marriott Putrajaya
The Live Band. Sangat-sangat sedap suara both of the singers. Layan!

The Food starting from the appetizer down to the Main course.
Ok la.. if tekak melayu tu, memang harap nasi!

Us having so much fun!!

The crowd
Macam-macam ragam

Okay, by this time we were really tired. It was almost midnight

And we finished of with desert. quite delicious

The three of us. Pink Diamonds of the Diamond Circle

Partial of us, the Diamond Circle
Gambar Skema
Gambar not that skema

Happy faces!

Half of Table 27

Uncle Man aka my hubby helped Mr Ezam to fix his batch of best dress

The so-called celebrity couple.hahaha
Eventhough tak menang apa2, menang kasih sayang dah enough :)

The sporting Ezam won him a 2 days 1 night stay at the Mines and Versace products

Tiga dara pinggitan? lol!!

With Farouk and his sister. so young, so ambitious!

Me and business partners.

All CDMs of GLAM

And the best dress for female, Ms Jaja. Sangat jeles. just look at the Kate Spade handbag!!!

Finally, the whole day event was over.
It was a remarkable event
A very meaningful.
Thanks to CDM Razali Zain and CDM Hanis Haizi for making our dream comes true.
All hard work deserve a celebration to remember.

Congratulations to my leader CDM Shaliza Aziz for making the RM2 million sales and achieving the highest level in the business.

We will definitely follow you!

More to come with GLAM.



  1. Oh, thank you so much, izni

    After make up aka make over, confirm berubah ;)

  2. sis, u r always look stunning ;)) love these pics vmuch.. wish I can be part it soon

  3. aww such a compliment, Eja. Thanks a lot. InsyaAllah you can be part of us :)
    Let me know k, and i'll share how.
