
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Seoul, Here we come : Day 1 Gala Dinner at Best Western Seoul Garden Hotel

And the Glamjourneys continue..

Right after we checked in at Hotel Kukdo around 3 pm on the 17th September (Click Here if you missed the story), we were given about 2 hours to get ready for the Gala Dinner. 
We were given a 5-star treatment when we got a chance to stay at the hotel. It has been rated 4 out of 5 stars by the Google viewers.
hotel at seoul korea
Since we stayed at the different Best Western Premier Hotel chain, we have to leave early for the dinner which were held at Seoul Garden Hotel.
And the theme was red and black.
After a quick preparation getting ready for the event.
Just look at my messy shawl.  With my CDM, lovely as always, dear
With the girls of The Diamond Circle
The 4 of us. a perfect combo!
With half of the C2 bus. Next trip to Gold Coast, there'll be one bus of TDCs. Trust me!
And the journey begun
Nice fountain
Amazing building structure
Clean environment. I remember that Alice told us that anyone who throw rubbish would be fined as high as USD100. Same goes to smokers who smoke in the non-smoking area. Kan bagus if Malaysia also practice the exact same way? We're gonna have a cleaner environment.

Just arrived at the Seoul Garden Hotel
Yours truly
Oh kepantangan tengok mirror kan? Harus amik gambar!
The Man
Dengan awek korea plaks
Their smooth, flawless skin! jeless
Us with the pengapit.hihi
Try snap with phone, so disappointing.
Luckily we have the digital camera to save the day ;)
And the room were filled with the Hai-O entreprenuers. all Excellent Achievers.
One third of the hall were Glampreneurs. There were closed to 600 people in the hall. and Hai-O has set a new record in Korea when recorded the largest crowd of Muslim tour in Korea ever made! Congratulations to our company. more stable, big reputation. 

The emcee of the night. two malaysians.
Felt so appreciated. 

Yours truly with the beautiful Hanis Haizi. Gorgeous as always, dear
Oh, the food!! it was a buffet style. hampir semua food we all try. from western to korean to japanese to chinese.
The prawn salad. yums!!
The mushroom soup, my fav!!
And the K-Pop fever begun!!
Handsome tak saya?
and people are screaming!!
the dance was amazing!
Awek K-pop memang cun!
and later, our CDM Sha Khalid was given a chance to give a speech. Rasa semangat!
A bit introduction about her. She was an IT Engineer at IBM. Resigned just because she needed more time with her 2 kids. Now building a big empire under her wing. She is what people called Kecil-kecil Cili padi. A petite figure, but her spirit is what we want to duplicate.
Semua dah kenyang, now time for a group photo
And our own Hafiz Atan, the top photographer who shoot for Scha Al-Yahya and Awal Ashari wedding.
The not professional photographer. All 160 of glampreneurs. Proud to be part of them. Young, successful, professionals and rich.

Right before we left the hotel. Happy sangat dapat travel percuma dengan bawa husband. It is a dream comes true.
mat yo jdt bini wife
Peace yo! eh bukan mat yo ye (now tengah hangat sangat issue mat yo dan bini dia. we were not there, we better keep it to ourselves kan?)
In front of our comfortable coach, C2
With the TDCs
In the elevator, nak sampai ke bilik, baru berkesempatan nak amik gambar dengan our CDM Sha Khalid. dengar speech dia earlier, meremang bulu roma. Gold Coast is Next!!
Stay tuned for Day 2 when Glam in Seoul continues...

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