
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Seoul, Here we come : Day 1 Dongdaemon Market

Anneyong Haseyo!

Day 1 at Seoul right after we land.
(if you missed the first part, click here)

incheon international airport seoul korea
Just arrived at Incheon International Airport
Freshen up, muka pun ade air lagi., hihi
incheon international airport seoul korea
While waiting for our luggage
Right after we collected luggage, we took the whole GLAM group photo at the airport. Total of 160 of glampreneurs!
The crowd

The Photographers. Tengok korean people kat belakang, pelik sangat tengok kami
The lovely couple who made our dreams come true. Mana terpikey sampai korea. but with glam, with their guidance, we arrived Korea with NO Cost at all! (oh, this is gambar skema both of them)
Tengok, gambar not so skema of them. masa ni tengah amik video. Crazzzyyy mode!!! Cute kan Hanis with her cute bump :)
Rest dulu at one of the coffee shop while waiting for our buses.
This is another young glampreneur. She is just 25 years old. started this business 2 years back. From an SPM graduate, became a beautician at one of the spa at Sungai Petani with very minimal income, now she has became the 2nd highest level in the business, earning more than RM10k per month and just recently able to qualify for Car Fund to own her own dream car. Within 2 years in business, she has traveled to 5 countries : Guangzhou, Vietnam, Paris, London and now Korea. Seronok kan? apart from doing business for income, now able to travel all around the world more than 2 countries per year and also dapat pulak kereta idaman.
i did ask her, what car she dreamt of. still undecided, but will most likely follow our mommy, a BMW. 
The gorgeous Hanis Haizi. Love her red handbag!!! drools****
Bergembira sakan.padahal beli coffee je. First time bayar in Korean Won. Confused plak calculate dlm otak. 3,000 Won equals to? hehehe
Raz makan ubat dulu. Notice that SalonPas. i believe that one also for preggy mom, Hanis :) Duduk lama2 dlm flight memang boleh sakit pinggang.
Muka je senyum sebab tengah di snap gambar, dalam hati bengang. while setting my husband's phone for roaming and data plan. mine was okay. his, kena set a few time, baru ok. but i think it was a reasonable package. Maxis Roaming with Data Plan package for 5 days in Korea was RM135. unlimited. so memang seronokla kan. anytime boleh upload pix. it's just that phone ade batery or tak je.hihihii
glamjourneys glam in seoul korea
Our #glamjourneys start here. GLAM in Seoul with close to 200 of us. Tercengang korean people that time.
In the bus already. Total of 5 buses of glampreneurs. we are bus C2.
The Incheon International Airport
The clean environment
Our tour guide from Malaysia, Fish Tee started the tour.
Awal-awal lagi dah practise the Gwiyomi style - my TDC (The Diamond Circle) sisters. On the left is a civil engineer, bergelumang dengan terik matahari at site. on the right was a banker from Johor, now doing the business fulltime while managing 3 kiddos.
And this is our Korean Tour guide, Alice. she can speak English very well. easy to understand her. and very soft spoken. lembut je.
Leaving Incheon Airport heading to Seoul
Kalau drive sendiri ni, confirm pening.hehe
Lesung batu kan ni?
Welcome to SEOUL!!! 
The bridge

Big fan?? lol!
The toll. At this moment baru i realized that they drove on the left side. 
The happy moment. Which husband does not like when were given a free honeymoon? all in.
Amazed by the structure!
The Bullet train, i believe
and i saw this! the Trump Tower.
Again, the bridge structures at Seoul are amazing! Panjang and elak from traffic jammed
Another bridge
And another..
I was like, awww! that big? that superb?
But i think malaysians structure almost to that extend. getting there. (tetiba je jadi pengkritik jambatan la plak)
Heading towards Seoul
Body Shop tepi jalan, okay.
Rasanye baca takde beza between Yeouido dengan Yeongdeungpo..
Near Hangang Park
Approaching Itaewon Street for our breakfast
We were sort of climbing the street. penatss

Our first stop, breakfast! at The Foreign Restaurant by a muslim.
It is a buffet style. Eat all you can
Banyak choice.
Nyums!! a really heavy breakfast
Again, yours truly right after breakfast. There are lots of muslim restaurants here at Itaewon street.
Bawah muslim restaurant, atas club.hehe
Yang, look out!!
No worries here. the drivers are very sopan. they even stopped their car for us to take pix!
and look at the banner of Foreign Restaurant. The rate for buffet is 13,000 won, closed to RM45 per person. Thank God ours are all paid.
With our mommy, Hanis Haizi. Just look at the car, it stopped for us to snap pix.
The beautilicious glampreneurs - The Diamond Circle

Apekah?? lol! berdiri senget.haha
The Thai Massage also available here. motif?? haha
The K5 Kia Optima is the main car for taxi! Big and spacious and luxury type.
Yeah, arrived at the first shopping center, Doota at Dondaemon
The building looks like a government building, but it is actually a shopping center!!
Preparing for a blast shopping experience..
Jom shopping!!!
Sangat exciting to have a chance to have shopping buddies!
Tho it is called Dondaemon Market, but ir wasnt like typical pasar.hihi
Right after landing, straight to breakfast and now shopping. no time to baring2 kat hotel for a rest. Pumped up!!
The Korea Souvenir Shop was ambushed by all 160 of us!! imagine, macam kena rompak.
And a good thing was the owner knows how to speak Indonesian. makanya i represented our team to speakang indonesian, waduh. harga pasnya berapa pak?
Nak bayar pun satu hal..
They have a lovely music box, with choice of songs. but the price was like triple than in msia. ngee~
Penat dah ni. while waiting for hubby borong jersey shirts.
OMG! i love their fashion. Of course la grab a few!
The happy husband. Dapat tons of shirts and jersey.. and of course....(move to the next pix)
See! Immediately wore the jacket.
Take a break before were dragged to the children's level.. time to go craazyyy!!
aaaa... so many choice!
And soooo cute!!! Harus lah grab a few pairs for my babies
Hasil shopping.
The happy face.
The happy us - The Diamond Circle
The bags were heavy!!
and off we go to the hotel, to prepare for our Gala Dinner that night
Just look at that pakcik with his motorbike full of stuff.
Time to take a nap right before we arrived hotel
The street

And here we were.
How to get here
Best western premier hotel kukdo seoul korea
The Best Western Premiere Hotel Kukdo, Seoul
Best western premier hotel kukdo seoul korea
While waiting for the elevator

Best western premier hotel kukdo seoul korea
Beratur! Full with us glampreneurs
Best western premier hotel kukdo seoul korea
the corridor of Hotel Kukdo
Best western premier hotel kukdo seoul korea
And the spacious room for two! Pardon the messy bedsheet. dah baring baru teringat tak take pix lagi.heehe.
Notice the Maggie Cup? hehe

The King bed for us to sleep, the single bed for bags! lol!
And the scenery

From the 16th floor.
Okay, that's it for now for Day 1 at Itaewon Street and Dongdaemon Market.
Stay tuned for the Gala Dinner end of Day 1 at The Best Western Premier Seoul Garden Hotel with the Kpop artists y'all!!



  1. Harga pas tu macam harga paling murah la, harga borong. huhuhu
    confirm kalau ieja g indon x reti menawar nie. harus ya nanti visit ke jakarta bawa kami. hahaha(sila baca dengan slang indonesian ek)
