
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Seoul, Here we come : The Departure Story

Hi all!

It has been a great 4 days of the trip fully sponsored by the company. This remarked the first trip I earned through the business and definitely will not be the last. 

We were supposed to go to Shanghai. but when the flu disease became worse, company didnt want to take the risk and upgrade the package to Seoul, Korea.
Were informed when the trip changed to Seoul was like living a dream comes true. I never expect been given a chance to visit Korea, the country i saw in the korean drama i loved, Winter Sonata, Autumn in My Heart, All In, Full House, Stairway to Heaven and many more.

The trip was held from the 16th to 20th September 2013. Total of 160 glampreneurs achieved the trip and this was another record when Hanis Haizi brought one whole flight under her wing!

seoul korea trip
Getting ready to the airport from my parents' at Nilai
seoul korea trip
My husband super excited - we wore the same I Love GLAM shirt. The theme was The first GLAM shirt with green pants to match the KPop theme.
seoul korea trip
In Korea, they did the peace sign and say "Kimchi" instead of the typical "cheese"
Me, posed right before heading to the counter for check in
With the Diamond Circles group under CDM Shaliza Aziz
We were about to check in. it is the Korean Air

With the GLAM Men, from left, my husband Rosman, CDM Razali Zain the mastermind of GLAM and my leader's husband Duan (you're gonna see more of him hanging out with my hubby, oh, trust me!!)
Me along with business partners who came along to send us off. to get the aura for the GOLD Coast trip next year. From left, urs truly, Afizah Nordin, my leader Shaliza Aziz and Elisma Munahdar.
Me with the kecil-kecil cili padi, my other leader in the business, CDM Sha Khalid, was an engineer from IBM and resigned with 5 figures income from the business.

With my lovely, direct leader, CDM Shaliza Aziz, a banker, resigned after less than 1 year in the business, now earning 5 figures income and owned a 3-series BMW after less than 2 years in business.

Lautan of GLAMpreneurs in the KLIA, y'all!! over 160 of us!

muslim tour korea seoul
Our checked in luggage lengkap tagging.
Me, business partners and our own CDM Hanis Haizi. She inspired all of us throughout the business. Now a mother of two, earning 6 figures income and soon-to-be mom of three. Being pregnant was never an excuse to her to pause any business activities, she is our Iron Lady!

My leader CDM Shaliza Aziz with her husband, Duan who used to sarcastically condemn her in business during the early stage. He was very unsupported and didnt recognize the business as apart of business. But when she showed him one by one proof, from the first income of RM7,000 and increasing; from owning a Myvi to a 3-series BMW, from qualified trip one after another, from Holland, Belgium, Vietnam, Guangzhou, Paris, London and now Korea, he became her numero uno supporter.
Me with the Diamond Circle partners. From left, urs truly; a civil engineer from Subang Jaya, an ex-banker from Johor and an executive from Subang.

with my two partners. Next they'll be going to Gold Coast together with me!

glam In seoul
The girls in TDC (The Diamond Circle)

Terus je check in dlm Facebook ek ;)

Really worried to leave them for 5 days. Cepat2 coaching and turunkan ilmu sebanyak mungkin right before we go.

Sempat jugak coaching partners through whatsapp. Jauh atau dekat bukan halangan.
Our tour guide from Malaysia, Fish Tee.
Duan, Fariz and uncle Man!
Us, the C2 group, one bus.
All my bags are packed, im ready to go...
Apa je la yang kelakar..
Ride the train to the satellite building for departure
Pre-gangnam style!
We were given the slippers provided by the Korea Air. Best gile dapat layanan istimewa
A must pix!
The complete accessories to accompany us throughout the 7 hours flight

The light snack provided to us for midnight flight
Almost there!
korean air muslim food
The big plane
Arrived Incheon Airport, South Korea
After freshen up! Slept throughout the whole 7 hours. Movie pun x tengok. lg best tido.hehe

I think he slept for about 3 hours and the rest finished up by playing the golf game

While waiting for others to get off the plane

Seoul, here we are!! and Day 1 begun..
Stay tuned for our journey at Seoul from Day 1 to Day 4.


  1. Airin ieja tak tido lansung hehe .. Cannot sleep, maybe super excited biarpun trip ke-5 .. congrats babe , more to come after this

  2. looks like it was an awesome trip! besar bag tu :)

  3. Ieja,

    Airin mmg dah ngantuk time tu. excited bawa ke mimpi.hehehe
    Thanks for the opportunity. next will follow you, mak!! Gold Coast, here we come!!

  4. Cik Puan Aizan

    Silalah jeles ek..ehehhe
    seronok trip free mcm ni, bw duit shopping je.kihkihkih

  5. It is you, mira!
    i penat pikey sape la use this "anak Wan Salleh"

    Yup, it was an awesome trip babe.
    Beg besar from klia, kosong jeik. around 7 kg je checkin luggage. tp bile balik beranak terus jadi 22 kg.hihihi
