
Friday, September 27, 2013

Hanis Haizi Surprised Birthday Party

It was on the 26th September 2013.
It was our lovely CDM Hanis Haizi birthday, the 29th.
But of course, we hash tagged it as #hanishaizisweet19

Being so lucky to be part of Hanis Haizi protege, i was invited to participate in the group to plan for the surprised. It was created about 2 weeks before the event by one of Hanis's protege.
The initial plan was supposed to be at Marche, The Curve. But approaching the day, nobody from us able to get Hanis an appointment. The reason why she was super busy is due to the Seminar that will be held on this coming Saturday for top leaders of Glam with No 1 CDM in Hai-O. Any event, she did kiv it and told her husband to held it after the seminar. yes, that is how dedicated the person she is.
And what impressed me more was that her husband, CDM Razali Zain knows Hanis very very well. Just look at the printscreen below. He knows that she loves malay food lately..
hanis haizi protege
Just look at the time on the messages. It was the same date at 5 pm plus. we were having the surprised at 8 pm. bayangkan betapa kelam kabutnya masing-masing, dengan takde preparation food nye, changed of location from Marche to Hanis's house.
Raz immediately suggest Hanis' fav food, Ikan Tenggiri from Madam Kwan. The nearest to my house would be at Empire Shopping Center. Off me and the group admin, Lina went to Empire to order for food.
Menu set for 10 people. Madam Kwan was so generous to provide us more than it listed over here. Extra Ikan Tenggiri slice and extra 3 rice at the same price.
Memang looks yummy kan?
Luckily there were few customers so they could finish up our order faster.
This adik waiter yang stylo ni lah yang recommend to us to order the set rather than ala cart. You save more, indeed!!
sambil menunggu, meh amik gambar sket.hahaha
rumah hanis haizi ttdi
Arrived at her house at Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Raz reminded us earlier to ensure that our shoes should be hide. And of course, jadi mangsa was the other bimmer. Our shoes were hidden under the car.
This is only 1 bag. there were total of 5 bags from Madam Kwan
The mastermind, Lina
handbag chanel tricolor cake
The main Hero of the day. Chanel Handbag!!
The props
Us while waiting for Hanis to arrive
fondant birthday cake
The beautiful fondant Chanel cake for Hanis.
Made by Dwen Ujang
Theme of the day would be PINK!
I held the H letter.
glampreneurs hanis haizi
Pictures of us as a token to her. Nak beli bag Chanel memang pengsan la sorang-sorang.hahaha
Look at the stickers for Hariz, Hanis' eldest son. Cute sangat okay!
Nervous standby in front of the door.
Dup Dap Dup.. Nervous sangat, okay when received the message from Raz "Standby"!!
And surprise!!!!
Hanis was super duper surprised. She even tot we were some sort of monsters wearing mask. so funny!
The look on her face, priceless!
And just look at Hanis' official photographer aka babysitter aka personal assistant. bersungguh amik gambar pisang goreng request by Hanis earlier.
And the happy faces.
Raz was telling the whole story again, how it was difficult for us to get hanis to Marche and how skillful he was texting while driving while giving cue to us.
And the cute Haikal! duduk bawah meja all the time. pemalu kot
Sambil posing, showing his cheekiness! geram!
And the food are all terhidang..
The surprised Hanis, shared her happiness.
CDM Naa also came, brought along the famous Sate Haji Samuri. nyums!
Makan time!!

Viewing again the video the moment we surprised Hanis.
Just look at this lovely couple! 

And the cake cutting ceremony. Sayang okay nak potong bag chanel!
So sweet. Raz been there whenever Hanis needs it.
The Pretty Yummy Things by Dwen Ujang
After makan, sesi membungkus the leftover.
Her last words before we go.
yours truly with Hanis Haizi, the 6-figure lady.
My business partner, Elisma Munahdar
The Card! GLAM and fabulous, always.
Time to go home!
It's a wrap!!
Thanks to all for making the surprised party a success.
To Hanis Haizi,

You are one of the best person I've ever known.
Being in the level that you are now were the journey that demands courage, passion, patience and determination that others might not have.
I adore you as a leader, as a mentor, as an icon, as a motivator, as a believer.

Though many many haters out there, they did not know you. Deep inside, you are such a humble person, such a helpful person, such a lovely person.

No matter what people out there say about you, talk behind your back, blog negatively about you, gossip about you, they are really afraid of themselves. they are pathetic, pitiable people who don't have a life. Takut pada bayang-bayang sendiri. Didn't have own personality or still searching for it. 

You are much worth it than wasting time thinking about those people, right?

What ever they said about you, i believe and always know that you are such a good person inside out.

Thank you for your tireless dedication, support and encouragement.

May life brightest joy illuminates your path.

Wishing for the best for you.

The GLAMpreneur.

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