
Monday, September 30, 2013

Seoul, Here we come : Day 2 Part 1 Paju Premium Outlet & Amethyst Factory

Ola all!

Day 2 at Seoul.
The theme was BLUE!

The sunrise was so beautiful at Seoul
We got ready as early as 7:30 in the morning.
Ready for our Day 2!!
Just look at the big statue!
The scenery on our way for breakfast
The bus dropped us off at the Itaewon Street again for the Muslim food. This is their fire engine. quite different from Malaysia's
It is called Itaewon Fire House

At the same road on day 2
This time different restaurant. It is an arab restaurant
Again, Dhal and Naan. hehe
There were rice too.
The decoration of the restaurant brought us to arab country
Me with our breakfast

My husband and his breakfast
Jemput makan ;)

With the Diamond circle from Utara, Eida
Right after we had our breakfast, of course a must take pix of the day was with our CDM Sha Khalid. Stylo shades. Love it!!
Before crossing the road, while waiting for the traffic light.
Indeed we had so much fun. Just look at these pictures. how crazy they were. how fun it is!!
CDM Shaliza Aziz: Annyong Haseyo!!
Tuu!! The Usmania Restaurant, Itaewon Street, Muslim and halal food found in Seoul.
Great weather. It was cool, approximately 20 to 24 degree Celcius.
Aheem! towards the end of the Itaewon street was a bar.
An orange scooter. Nice!!
with my lovely CDM
with the love of my life.
Three of us, ex-schoolmates from MRSM Jasin. Before we were acquaintances, nothing more. now we shared the same goals, same business, same dreams and hopes. InsyaAllah, may our friendship last forever.
Greetings from Netherland
Greetings from Japan
Off we go to our next destination, Paju Premium Outlet
The scenery just like in the korean drama series
Arrived!! Paju Premium Outlets
Jemput masuk, puan2. Eh berani ke puan2 nak masuk kalau ade penyambut tetamu lelaki macam ni?? lol!!
Our tourist guide showing the map. just to ensure we dont get lost. 
They bonded! Isnt it obvious??
The man
The Ladies. ready to shop!!
 And the guys... look at these pictures of them!!
Tengok mana?
Free Style!!
They are all sporting!!
bersilat di seoul?

Yours truly

Ladies, jump!! lompat bintang style
and again. Eh ieja kenapa? macam main bola tampar. Faeza? baru nak melompat? macam2 gaya. so funny!!! lepas je melompat, masing2 semput.hahaha. mak2 orang la katakan.,hehee
From Seoul with love
And again. love and seoul.
We were actually coaching this couple, Eida and husband to pose.
4 pairs of us. Semua sakit pinggang after dokong bini masing2, right?
Ok, now time to shop!
Choose! wide range of shirts from Polo

The scenery at Paju outlet. very nice
with the fountains

Many shops to go to
and corelle
Quite pricey compared to Malaysia

and i like this pot. but too heavy to bring back

There were cafe for children

Yay or Nay?? Coach handbag
This one?

Choosing shoe at Michael Kors
There were so many options of handbags
Sunglasses Yay or nay?
For me, Nay!!

This i cant remember what brand it is

Choosing the reward for best performed SM/SSM
Who wants it?? Raise up your hand!

Met this glampreneur, Kak Shima. She is already a manager at one of reputable IT company. but choose to do this business as part time for time freedom with her children

There werent any Halal restaurant there, so we bought something light before dinner. It's my favorite, Auntie Anne's. And order from this korean girl was like ayam and itik. just tunjuk-tunjuk and luckily betul pulak order yang dapat.haha
And off we go to the next destination. 
And we arrived at the Amethyst factory. one of the biggest.

a bit briefing on how they process the stone.

The big  raw Amethyst
It was beautiful! and of course expensive
Harus posing
Jewelries are women's bestfriend :)
The designs were amazing.
Thats wrap half of Day 2.

Me and husband felt so great that we were given this opportunity. Not even the end of Day 2, we were amazed with the fun and the 5 stars treatment arrangement by the company.

Will continue another half Day 2 in the next entry!!
Stay tuned!!

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