
Friday, November 9, 2012

How to Ditch the Corporate World and Rock Your Own

Another inspiring entry by this ex-CEO one of big company in Malaysia, Jasmin Hamid who is doing Premium Beautiful Business.
She wrote:
“We all have a choice about the type of life we will lead. We can live with passion, courageously carving a unique trail through this world, or we can let life push us down a well-traveled, soul-stifling corporate path. If you’re ready to break away from the herd and travel in a new direction, read How to Ditch the Corporate World and Rock Your OwnIn it, you’ll find inspiration and great resources that will aid you in your success journey.”

The glimpse on the title already made me jumped! No I haven’t read the book but I love the context already. That’s already my motto in life. Rocking on my own! I wished I knew the book earlier, giving me more guts to ditch the Corporate World yonks ago. I thought I was just buying time for just side income to keep our financials going when I took on the PB biz. The earlier deal with the lifetime CEO, go back to Corporate World till I’m 40 and then I’m free to follow my passion. I can’t accept that. What IF I don’t live the day till I’m 40? And another thing, the longer I wait, the harder for me to ditch and pursue something unreal to me in the future. By the time I’m 40, I figure I’ll have too much stakes then to let go and change my sail. So it’s NOW or NEVER to me. Rocking on my own is at first scary but now a self liberating journey and tremendously changing the way I see the things. It’s like a switch ON in the mind that was totally OFF before!
A heartfelt gratitude to my biz mentors that made my transition so much a delightful experience and being connected with so many other positive bunch with aspiring and admirable spirits is such a humbly experience to me. I love rocking with my own… then again, rocking with these people is even better!!!
Yes all of us have the choice. It's either NOW or NEVER. We have to be confident and believe in ourselves. Dont ever doubt yourself. You can do it if you believe and work for it. and of course Allah has His way for those who worked and never forget Him. InsyaAllah.
In our group even an ex-CEO choose it just because of Time freedom. and of course the big bucks count!

You can get the book How to Ditch the Corporate World and Rock Your Own by Sibyl White at :

If you want to know how we do it in group, you can book an appointment with me 
Airin diana

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