
Friday, November 9, 2012

Retired Young and Rich

Yeah, I made it to Shaliza Aziz's list :)
We have many professionals in our group right now, ranging from engineers to doctors, lawyers and lecturers. All want to have the time freedom and retired rich and young. 

Yes, it is true. Expenses for a good quality education for kids nowadays reached up to RM1k per month. ni complete with the school, curricular activities (swimming, taekwondo etc), islamic education and the weekend playclass like Kizsports.

The new slogan : Retired Young and Rich (aha, who wants to work for 20 years, and ended up with only 5 figures salary, with very lil savings)

Want to know how I do it? 
Book an appointment with me today, and I'll show you how we do it in our team.

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