
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New Recipe for my lil one

Last night, i was in good mood to cook something different for my baby. She has been having rice flour with bm, mashed potato with bm, plain rice (her favourite!) and pureed mango. So i decided it's time to change to a new menu since she has reached 7 months old. After we had dinner, my sis accompanied me to Tesco Extra to get Lissa some pasta. oh, yup, we are going to feed her totally new taste, new type and definitely new origin of food. Fusilli with Primavera Sauce. yes yes.. italian!
We bought the pasta-i reached out the fusilli type cause it seemed more appealing to me. hehe.. with the curly2 stuff, i guess it should be softer when cooked.
The Fusilli Pasta
The Primavera Sauce
(instant sauce since i havent learn how to do it from scratch. any mommies know how to do the sauce?)
The cooked pasta & peas
(fyi, lissa never had any vege since her first solid. this is my 1st try)
Taraaa!! the combined pasta, sauce and peas.
smells goood! taste? hmm.. not for us, less salt (or maybe, no salt at all?). but i know it must be very tasteful for Lissa.
The pureed everything. doesnt look tasty, rite?

At 12 midnite, Lissa woke up hearing the sound of the blender. So, i took the opportunity to feed her. to my surprise, in the middle of the nite, she had the appetite to eat it, 3 full spoons of the puree..!! and of course, she slept throughout the nite, woke up only once for milk. There and then i learnt a new formula :

full stomach = good long sleep = happy mama ;)

Agree? i bet!

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