
Friday, December 4, 2015

Big Red Strawberry Farm Cameron Highlands

Hye All

Been quite some time since our last trip to Cameron Highlands. (eh, some time ke if more than 2 months? hehe)
This was actually the first time ever we went to this Big Red Strawberry Farm after stumbled upon entry by our lovely hot momma Nadine from her entry. (you can read her experience in the strawberry farm here) Thanks to my sister angkat in office, Dahlia for suggesting me to visit the farm. it was soooo worth it!!

The farm was located in Brinchang. You have to really search it through Waze or Google Maps since it is a bit tersorok.

Arrived je terus snap pix ;) as usual la kan

Big fishes here!

Si manja Hanie with Abg Fariz

Was awed by the lettuce farm! I can stay here like forever!!

The journey from entrance to the cafe was quite far. however, you wont be bored by the scenery

Mr Driver of the day

2 lil strawberries and 1 big strawberry! LOL!

The roses
 From Nad's blog, yeah agree with her when she said the cafĂ© was superb! memang betul!
You've got to choose from the menu on the wall. and you'll be so rambang mata and nak order a lot!

Achu kesayangan Lissa & Hanie
Our big happy family.
Thanks Ieja & Duan for tagging along

The yummy strawberry ice-cream goreng. sedap gile!

waffle with ice-cream, no doubt, delicious!

A must-have if you visit Cameron Highland. Strawberry fruits + icecream

Lots of spots to snap pix

Ada je budak kecik tu sibuk2 skali.hehe

Diva Hanie

Lissa dah macam ketua rombongan dah. hehe

hubby with my dad. dua2 mcm tgh lawan perut sape besar ke? haha

Good bye strawberry farm! you treat us right

And jalan turun ke bawah, quite scary! so make sure you have a skillful driver ye
Thanks a lot Big Red Strawberry Farm. We had so much fun and definitely gonna visit again next month (eh?)


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