
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Lissa Goes To School : The Preparation

Oh my, next week gonna be Lissa's first orientation and exam for her Standard One class next year.
Cepat betul time passed by.

Lissa Maisarah dah Darjah Satu!
Finally dapat jugak beli baju sekolah untuk Lissa.
Last weekend we picked up her last report card as a pre-schooler. no more pre-schooler after this. sedey plaks.
Thank you teacher for teaching Lissa since she's 3 year-old until now. Ready proud of her.
(ignore my big peha!)

After this tak jumpa dah Alissa Kaisara, one of Lissa's bff
 Right after taking report card, we went to Popular book store just to make sure Lissa keeps her memory on reading. just to be prepared for her exam next week.
Banyak choice kalau pergi bookstore ni, sampai tak tahu nak pilih yang mana
Anyway, bila dah jadi mak kepada anak yang bersekolah (betul, bukan sekolah tipu2) dah tak boleh la out of sudden nak ponteng ke, nak skip skool pegi vacation ke... terpaksa la tunggu cuti sekolah! hukss

To all parents out there yang baru nak hantar anak ke sekolah, sila lah share your thoughts and plan. Perluke hantar anak ke tuisyen? or hantar ke sekolah agama? how will you manage your time; ie waktu tidur, waktu bangun pagi etc etc
Really appreciate your thoughts.


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