
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Lissa Maisarah and Starting Primary School

Hello mommies

Next year, 2016, Lissa Maisarah gonna start her Standard One.
eee.. Cepat sangat masa berlalu..
Rasanya baru lagi bersalin si Lissa..

2nd October 2009
Now dah start sekolah, for real! Before this sekolah tak real. lol!

We sent her for a playclass at Kizsport in 2012
Read blog post : Lissa at Kizsport

Then to her kiddy starting from 3 years old til now 6 years old.

She had fun with the school
Her first trip. Read here for the entry to Bird Park
Alhamdulillah. At the age of almost 6 years old by this October, she can read in both Malay and English.

Now dah nak masuk Standard One and everything gonna be different. No more late night stay up, no more main2 so much, lotsa homeworks and me being a parent with schooled kid!

We did request to Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Jelutong as it is the nearest school to our taman.

But after the result, we got SK Seksyen 13. Oh my! do you know how far it is from our house? Close to 20 kilometers.
So anyone yang tahu about Sekolah Kebangsaan Seksyen 13 ni, really appreciate your assistance untuk share information like sekolah agama hantar ke mana, transportation to Seksyen U10 that you know off and also transit available.
The day we made confirmation for the school
I can be reached through whatsapp 017-6511966 or email at



  1. Lissa dah nak sekolah yer
    cepat nyer masa berlalu kan
    mesti bestkan..nnti die masuk darjah satu kena ambik gmbr dia tau..kenangan tu

    doakn utk aku k..moga diberi peluang utk rasa pengalaman mcm ko

  2. Thanks Aizan.
    Memang cepat rasanya masa berlalu, tiba2 je dah nak start sekolah. Freak out gak la aku nie.

    InsyaAllah Aizan. Ada rezeki kau nanti. Aku sentiasa doakan ko.
