
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Happy Birthday, Lissa Maisarah

Happy Birthday, sayang.

You are now officially a 5-year old girl!

Still remember the day you came into our life. such a life changing event for both me and your abah. Throwback entry here.

May you become anak solehah, sihat selalu, always happy. be a good girl to us, a good example for your lil sis.

It was like yesterday when i wrote a 4-year old birthday wish. Cepat betul time flies.

Remember one thing, we love no matter what.

Lets celebrate this weekend ye. We'll come up with some activity for ya ;)

Ok dearie botak chin, cant ask you to stay small, right? you're gonna grow and grow. be good. be sweet. be cute.

hugs and kisses,
Your mama and abah

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