
Friday, October 19, 2012

Happy Friday, people! More Good News.

Yeah, very excited that today is Friday! in other words : Thank God It's Friday, yeay! tiba2 plak nak g TGIF..sedapnye New York Strip Steak.........eish..eish.....back to work, airin!
The reasons why I am so happy and excited today are:
1. It is the end of the week, babeh! Tomorrow boleh bgn lambat...unless.....those lil kids bangun dulu and buat kecoh...

2. Me and my team are going to join the GLAM class today. And the speaker of the day is our mentor Sha Khalid. Can't wait to hear the tips how to be successful like her. 

If you want to know, GLAM is for Green Leader Academy Malaysia which has been founded in July this year by our top leader, Hanis Haizi (a 3-years-ago housewife, now a millionaire at 28 years old). We have became stronger each day. The class will be held FREE for those who join our team. The top leaders will lead and show us the way. 
Two full flights from our team FREE trip to Guangzhou 2012
Previous year ,2 busses to Hong Kong
Who is Sha Khalid? another top leader mentored by Hanis Haizi. Now after almost 3 years already gain income 5 to 6 digits income! From Viva car to Mercedes Benz.
That's the great thing about this business. The more you focus, the more you get. Not only income starting from RM4500 up to 6 digits monthly ; you'll get Car Allowance ; you'll get to travel oversea 3 times yearly ; rewards from stokis ; rewards from leader. and all within a year! Great!

3. Received another great news from member in our team. Another beemer in da house! Congrates to Adibah for making it a dream comes true (after one year)
Read her entry during her visit to the BMW. click here

4. My business partner is getting more excited and eager as a lot of her friends asking around about Premium Beautiful. Our office has became a tailor for us to measure people :)
Fun bile kite buat bisnes sama2 dgn kawan2. network pun makin besar. kenalan pun makin ramai. great!
Me and another eager biz partner, Afizah
 5. Today, my cravings will be fulfilled! Going for a sushi day during lunch break. yeay!

Have a GREAT weekend everybody!

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