
Thursday, October 18, 2012

From Lissa's Diary : My Birthday Bash

First of all, I would like to say a big thanks to all who made it to my birthday bash. It has been held last Saturday, 13th October 2012 (11 days passed my actual birthday). I am three years old this year. My mama told me that the birthday party was held combined with aqiqah for both me and hanie.
The day before the party, my mama took quite some time to clean up the house and make some preparation to decorate our house. My mak Teh also was a big helper for the whole event. Her jobscope ranges from blowing the balloons to making drinks for guests.
The banner. Mama said it was a recycled banner from Abah's surprise party last time..hehe
Kambing golek been set up
The orang kuat, Che Sa & Pakngah
I was super excited when i woke up as early as 8:00 am in the morning. I overheard my mama said that she bought princess gowns for me and Hanie. Another excited thing for me. I love princess, okay.
I am Princess Lissa!
This is my birthday party
And Hanie also tidak mahu ketinggalan to be a princess
I am Princess Hanie
I love my princess dress
Although it was a bit rainy that day, Alhamdulillah, it wasn't heavy. The weather became super cool and misty. Nyaman, gitu ;)
Maksu also didn't want to miss a chance to take photo with Princess Lissa.
While waiting for people to arrive, we had a great time playing at our "indoor playground"
Makngah, my cousin lil Hana and Pankngah
The theme for my party as mentioned by mama, was a Princess Theme.
Everything will be based on princess and pink. From my dress, to Hanie' the pink canopy..
To the birthday cake..
The princess picture birthday cake
The chocolate indulgence cake
And 50 Pink and baby blue flower cup cakes
Everyone said the cake was delicious. Thanks to Auntie Ros from My Creative Shoppe who has made the most delicious cake and cupcakes. It tasted like an ice cream cake!
And about 3:30 pm, we had our cake cutting session, where my friends and family were singing out loud Happy Birthday song. I was surprised!
See, my muncung trademark showed!
Hanie's watching, holding her intention to grab the cake!
There were many friends attended my party. My mama's friends from office and a few closest friends were also there. My Abah's friends who were mostly came from our "kampung" also came with lots of presents for me. Even our neighbour, Elyana the singer also came with her sweet cute daughter, Cinta along with her husband. We didnt missed the chance to take photograph with her.
The friendly Elyana, Hanie and my mama.
Auntie Elyana, her baby girl, Cinta, me and my mama
Of course, my Makngah didnt want to miss the opportunity
I had so much fun during the party.
I can't hold it anymore. I opened up the door gift my mama prepared for the kids. Barbie food with stickers, a few chocolates and jelly and the great thing was the bubble!
(Even my tissue boxes were princess!)
Bubble Time!!
Look, Hanie's sucking her thumb.. penat and sleepy being the second princess
My mama's aunties and My Atok
Didnt miss to read (tunjuk rajin sket..eceehh)
Later on the evening, another happy time for me. why? It was a present opening session! Thanks to all who have given me the presents. I was super duper happy and couldnt decide which one to play first. i know my mama hide most of the toy now. only let me play with 3-4 toys only. Hello!! i received more than 50 toys, okay!
Oh Oh! Ni sumer kakak punye ye!
Tapi yang mana satu nak bukak dulu nie?
Card from my neighbout next door. Thank you Auntie and "kawan2"
Tak sabar dah nak terus baca buku
Ape tu?
See! Princess wrapper! I love it!
My mama gave me this princess dresses and gowns along with baby. Mama said, i have to share with Hanie. Do i have to? hmm..
See? Hanie already showed the baby!
One of the biggest hadiah ever!
The tired Abah after the post party
Maksu showed me how
Thank you all for the presents! I can't get enough words to convey my gratitude to all of you who came and  made my day.
Special thanks to :

  • My mama and abah for making my princess dream comes true
  • My big happy family, Nenek, Atok, Makteh, makngah, Maksu, Pakngah and Hana
  • My Friends whose names couldnt be mentioned here.. so many of you, lovely girls and boys
  • Auntie Ros for the delicious cake, My Tasty Cake Shoppe House of Continental Cake
  • The caterer for the event, Kambing Goat Fresh, catered for the kambing golek and kambing kuzi, butter rice, mushroom soup, salads and bread (mama who usually didnt like kambing, said this was delicious)
  • My Tok ketua kampung who sponsored the kuih muih
  • Most of you who've made the event merrier


Mama's Note : No picture of food. totally forgot.. :D

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