
Monday, June 11, 2012

Weekend Family & Business Activity

Last weekend was a fruitful weekend, i'd say.
On Friday night, we went for a dinner at TGI Friday, e@curve. I was craving for steak so much that i had to ask my husband to go on that night. It was already 9:30 pm when we reached there. I was planning to watch Madagascar, but had to cancel it bcoz I couldnt find any available tickets anywhere online! Earlier that day I searched through the tgv cinema, gsc cinema, cineplex and also mbo. all fully booked! Yeah, i better plan earlier next time!! a reminder to myself! (dush dush! banging my head!..haha) It has been quite some time we brought Lissa and Hanie for a great walk. So that night, right after dinner, Lissa showed so much fun running around at the fountain at The Curve. We have been so busy since we got back from Jakarta last 3 weeks that I can see Lissa and Hanie need to get some air outside and just have fun.
Hanie posed with Abah (lately she likes to do that "look-away-when-mama-snaps-for-pix posed"
Kakak did her Angelina Jolie's lip..hhaha
Hanie rather played with fork and knife while waiting..eish! no-no!dangerous!
While waiting for our food, she killed time with crayon
Yeah,mine!The Tennesse New York Strip Steak with shrimp..nice! doneness? medium-well, of course.
Abah Sirloin Steak with Black Pepper Sauce and lots of brocolli
Abah's side dish, Blackened Shrimp - very hot!
Kids Eat Free! One Spaghetti - though not really a kids' portion.
another Kid eats free, Fish and fries.. nice! Hanie's fav
Then, on Saturday, during the day, since my husband had to go to work, I brought Lissa and Hanie to Empire, to Kizsports and Gym. At first I wanted to pay upfront Lissa' playclass which I had to suspend last month (due to the travelling) and this month (due to..erm.. a lot!!). Lissa will resume back her playclass next month. Lissa and Hanie definitely had fun with the colorful balls and slides.
Kanak-kanak riang ria
Somehow, i met Mommy Nadine who was having a playdate with her friend. Just lucky had a chance to met those 2 cute twins!! so chubby!
Later that night,I went for a class for the Premium Beautiful business. This is the first time I have a chance to join the class. I never thought the class was swarmed with many beautiful partners. Surprisingly, they were all very open minded and positive thinker. Let me share a few of the points that I received from those speakers:
Speaker #1 : A 25 years-old guy, not yet married, at the highest position (the 5th level)
The reason he started this business because he wants to help his parents. His parents were poor. He is very determined that he has to bring his parents for Umrah, walk and tawaf side by side with them. It was so touchy when he said that. very pure,.. and Alhamdulillah, not even 1 year, he managed to bring along his parents together with him for an Umrah. how lucky.
Points that I received during that day, also from other speakers :
  • We need to change our life - for a better life - even though we maybe said we have enough money, then ask ourself, do we have time for our family, our kids? -> Freedom of Time and Money
  • Our life is short. If we dont grab the chance, when will we? Change start with me! (as what Proton asked me to do..hehe)
  • We said we already bersyukur with what God gave to us, but do we really? We asked for "murah rezeki" but we didnt grab the chance that God keeps giving to us. People said, Doa is not enough, we must strive and work for it.
  • Price of groceries, households, fuel kept on increasing, but is it relatively increased with our salary? No, right?
  • We want to make our parents a better living. If we get a chance, we definitely want to give them extra money, buy them a comfortable car, house; send them for an Umrah or Haj.
  • Do we have a chance to go for an oversea trip? kalau tak plan awal, jgn harapla kan? high price of flight tickets..and when we already spent a lot, we'll reduce on the accomodation - usually a budget Hotel..hehe. but in the business, we get the chance to travel for free, and not a regular trip, it is 5-star trip. everything will be borne by company, flight tickets for 2, accommodation, transportation, meals all day long. we just hv to bring our money for shopping. and usually that shopping money will come from our big fat bonus.
Those speakers were already success less than 2 years in the business. by doing it consistently and with support from leaders and business partners, they are able to do it. just look at my friend's wife. She is now driving a 3-series bmw at the age not even proud! just reached 1 year in business.
And definitely, look at my leader, Shaliza Aziz. She is a very hard-working people, who wants to work hard to help her partners. On Sunday, she called for an O-group. A discussion to overcome obstacle in business, deals with rejections and how to manage our time schedule. It was a class to guide us how to do it. She will be 1 year in biz this July, but now her income is more than RM10k monthly plus car subsidy. and she do it part time. It wasnt about making sales every month. We sell it minimal, and we had biz partners. that's how we grow.
Alhamdulillah, until now, reaching 2 months, I'm left with only 2 last sets with me. I need business partners when I have more customers. If you are interested, please email me, or pm me at 017-6511966.
Just remember, we do it in group. we help one another. When I have customers, I'll pass it to you to deal with. and this product is definitely a Can sell product. why? because it is effective, and because it has lifetime warranty, because it showed a lot of positive changes and improvement and testi. Dont have to worry how to run the business. Let me share with you. and you can make decision. InsyaAllah, when there's a will, there'll be a way!


  1. I love Tennesse steak too..yums!!drooling!!

  2. yess!! bile teringat tu, mcm nak pegi jeik lagi..huhu
