
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Premium Beautiful : What's next? Free Trip to London & Paris!

It has been a while.. i haven't update anything about Premium Beautiful.. Only update it through Facebook.
What's new in the business?
Free trip to London & Paris next year!
Image courtesy of Mr Google
We received the news from our leader. Next year free trip is to London and Paris. Oh my, I hope I can qualify for that. If not, we still have another 2 trips next year. Anyway, for this trip, everything will be fully sponsored. starting from flight tickets for two, 5 stars accommodation, complete meal starting from breakfast until dinner, transportation and etc. anyone qualify for the trip just have to bring money! what can i say..? greeaaat!! That's why i love this business. Apart from getting extra income, we are rewarded with free oversea's trip three times per year and also we will get car subsidy
A friend of mine, Naa Kamaruddin, just joined this business last year, and what she achieved now? a new BMW car! At age not even a 3-series, she managed to drive a 3-series BMW. so proud of her. Her husband was a friend of mine back at Purdue University. Being consistent in this business, brought her where she's at right now. Who have thought that by selling Premium Beautiful, we can get more than we expected. 
#1 : Side income up to 6 figures monthly
#2 : Travel around the world (For FREE!)
#3 : A dream car
And you don't have to worry about selling it because Premium Beautiful definitely a hot selling item right now. It has a very good reputation on slimming body, reduce migraines, improve blood circulation and many more. Plus it has a LIFETIME warranty. We also has a group of people who train and lead us to achieve our goals. 
No time? Dont worry, a session of 2-3 hours per day is more than enough, because we do it online.
No money? dont worry, the business investment is flexible.
No talent? Also, dont worry. We do it in group. There are a lot of leaders who can help you.
What more stopping you from doing this business? When you get the bonus month after month, you'll enjoy it and a great opportunity to meet a group of positive minded people around you. You'll have freedom of time with family and also freedom of money. 
My personal goals are to achieve extra income so that I can improve our family lifestyle, give more to my parents, and to travel around the world with my hubby, especially if we get the opportunity for umrah..insyaAllah..
If anyone of you wants to know more about this business, or product, feel free to contact me ; 017-6511966. I share about this business and the decision is yours :)
I also offer great price and FREE TRIAL plus FREE Consultation. 

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