
Friday, June 22, 2012

If I were given a chance, what animal/living being superpowers would I want to get?

If I were given a chance, what animal/living being superpowers would I want to get?
Picture courtesy from national geographic
Yes, I would like to be a hummingbird. Why I chose hummingbird though it is smallest bird and looks weak?
Reason No 1: Super Incredible Flyer
I will be an impressive flyer! I can fly very fast with my two wings. The joint between upper and lower arm which positioned very close to body will give incredible leverage and flexibility in the air.I can fly up to 30 miles per hour. I can also beat my wings really fast and can do a figure eight pattern. The best thing is I will be the only bird that can fly Backwards and upside down! yeay! 
Reason No 2: Super Brilliant
Of course if you want to be a superhero, you must be smart and brilliant! This bird is super smart. their brain is larger in comparison to body size than any other bird, 4.2% of its body weight. I will get the terrific memory, know every street that i ever fly. I can also hover in the air with my incredible wings
Photographer Bence Máté snapped this amazing shot in Costa Rica  
Reason No 3: Super Clean
I also maintain a very clean personality and always groom myself ;) I have also an oil gland on the back of my body near my tail, which acts like a shower gel to me  
Reason No 4 : Better than human
I can hear better, see better  than any human, that shows a better me, a superhero me 
Reason No 5 : Have high metabolism
A hummingbird's metabolism is roughly 100 times that of an elephant. So i wont be fat! ;)
Reason No 6 : Beautiful Super Hero
Apart from that (and a bonus) I will be the most beautiful bird ever in the world! I can flash my bright colors or hide it whenever i wanted too.

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