
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

And the winner is..

Good Morning everyone!
I know, i should be more than sorry to you, readers. As promised, I shud've posted the winner yesterday. But the internet connection at my house was as slow as I expected it shud be..*dush dush* mad with the connection, i went to bed early..haha..frustration always can be healed with sleep :)
Alrite.. continue .. The give away contest ran for 2 weeks starting from 1st June to 15th June 2012, as you can read it here. And of course, I would like to convey a very big THANK YOU to those who participated in the contest. I shud've prepared more prizes for you guys. Thanks a lot!
We are fortunate to have the participation of a very professionally lovely judge, Ms Lissa Maisarah ;) 
Ha, beria korek2 cari winner
Nah, mama! amik ni..
And the winner selected from the contestants.......................................
drum roll please!




the lucky winner is.....
Mrs Raihan!!
(she was indeed the first to participate)

I will contact you thru email for the prize delivery ;)
Again, thank you for those who participate. those who missed the give away, insyaAllah, there'll be more coming your way! stay tuned!!

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