
Friday, May 4, 2012

Happy Birthday, Nur Aireena Hanie Myazara!

Happy birthday, Hanie!

I've been meaning to write sooner. but a lot have been going on, and i know i shud have find some time for this entry.I wrote previously and shud write a lil longer. Your birthday fall on 21st April 2012.
So special for you, happy birthday, dear..
I love you with all my heart.
All of us, me, abah and kakak love you very very much!
You have been a very good baby to me, to us.
You know how to hold ur scream when you want to ask for milk (aha, thumb-sucking is your best solution)
I have been blessed starting the day you were born, until you are now one year old. It was a very pleasant one year journey together. I am thankful to be able to provide you the most precious milk in the world although there were ups and downs throughout this journey. You have been a healthy baby. very very rare fell sick. you are strong. though sometimes hit by flu from ur sister, but you fought it thru. no cries, no whines..Alhamdulillah.
We went through the time when you had your make over, and now after two months, you've grown back some hair..
The celebration among us, small family members. though at first i was supposed to organize a party for you, but so many things held me back.I promise, we'll celebrate another time, perhaps at Bandung next two week?
Hanie dear,
I'm looking forward for more years to go with you. May you be a very good and solehah girl. May you be successful dunia akhirat. insyaAllah...
Love you so very much,
~~ur mama~~
Notes : Sorry the pictures refused to be rotated!

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