
Monday, March 12, 2012

Proton Edar : Showing Commited to be Better Attitude

I was so furious!
Even my FB status showed a pissed off status last Friday
and this is why..
On Friday, 9th March 2012, at approximately 10:00 am, my husband and I went to Centre of Excellent Complex (or COE) Shah Alam after asking several mechanics on referral for our Inspira's defect. The defect was a minor one (the windscreen rubber came out every time we drove more than 120 km/h). The mechanic said though it was minor, the process of fixing it is quite a major one. They will need to take out the windscreen and fix the rubber using sealant. That'll take approx 1 day. and since our car is still under warranty (not more than 4 months), we went there to get some explanation on how the process should go.
The mechanic asked us to see this service advisor, Ayu and she'll guide us through. We arrived there and directly asked for her. After waiting for approx 15 mins, she called us to the counter. Right after we sat...well, read the conversation below and tell me what do you think what type of person she is:
Ayu : Encik ada buat appointment?
Hubby : Takda. (not yet finished his sentence)
Ayu : Kalau macam tu, saya layan customer lain dulu lah ye. Encik duduk dulu (while pointing at the waiting area)
Us : speechless for 30 seconds.
Hubby : Tak buat appointment lagi. Kami nak tanya process macammana
Ayu : Takpela, encik duduk dulu ya. Kami tak terima walk in.(with a slightly raised voice)
Hubby : Hai, takkan nak tanya procedure je nak kena buat appointment? ni nak buat appointment la ni
Ayu : Yela, encik kena buat appointment dulu (definitely a high raised voice)
Me : (trying to control my patience.) We all nak tanya procedure. at least u bagitau la mcmn patut we all buat. Proton staff pun kena buat appointment jugak ke nak jumpa u.
Ayu : Ye, you buat appointment la dulu lain kali kalau nak jumpa i (still with a high raised voice)
Hubby : aik, kami baru je datang sini. nombor u pun kitorg takde. mcmn nak call?
Ayu : U call la service center.
Us : totally annoyed!
Hubby : ha? oklah, kitorg tunggu kat sini. (without moving from in front of her desk, watching her, dialing a few numbers that were not picked up)
Ayu : Ok la, ape yg encik nak tanya?
Hubby : Kita tengok kat kereta la (just parked nearby, can be seen from her desk - indicating not very far)
Ayu : Ok.
Us : getting up and walked to our car.
Ayu : still no where behind us. arrived almost 5 mins later
My husband showed her the rubber at windscreen came out. and she told us all about the process of getting the car scheduled for the repair
Hubby : I tak boleh tinggal kereta i mcm tu je. i susah nak percaya (having some trust issue -  experiences with prev cars left out with Proton Edar people which can concluded as BAD)
Ayu : Kereta you belum hanta lagi you dah cakap mcm2 pasal kitorg nyer mechanic!
Hubby : I dah byk kali dengar and terkena. So i kena tunggu kalau mcm tu
Ayu : Sukahati u la nak tunggu ke ape ke. tunggu bawah pokok ke tengah panas terik ke!
Us : (speechless..what the heck???! Is this type of person should deal with customer?)
Hubby : Oklah mcm tu. tak guna i deal dengan u. Yang, jom.
Me : getting inside car while hearing my husband talked to her for not talking to customer like that, with high raised voice bla bla bla..luckily we were Protonians, not org luar bla bla... well, those who know my husband should've known his bebeling habit - esp if he wants to point out some +ve issues
Ayu : Encik yang tinggikan suara dulu dengan saya. Ok, ni nama saya, and staff id saya. (Her face showed that she was pissed off, while showing her id)
How graceful is that? hahaha
So funny when i heard that Commited to be Better, while the After-sales service was so f***d up! Should people like her were chosen to deal with customer?
And i would definitely highlight again. If you ever encounter this service advisor Nur Idayu bt Mohd Khadari, a service advisor at COE, please..please.. asked for other service advisor. This person didnt show respect towards people and didnt know the correct way to deal with customer (and even argued and annoyed customer)
No wonder Proton's going down, if these type of people were in-charged of handling customer.
Yeah, committed to be better.


  1. Airin, ramai yg cakap,sesama staff Proton, diorang lagik kerek.
    Complain je kat customer service.
    Amik detail particular staff tu.Berlagak nak mampos!!

  2. Memang la Nadia.. kerek gila! Definitely nak complaint ni. Kebetulan one of my ofcemate ade kenal manager service over there. Kitorg nak g complaint. ikutkan my husband dia malas nak buat ape2. airin je lebih2 sbb sakit hati.eiii!

  3. complaint jgn tak complaint. nanti lg besar kepala dia. org2 mcm ni kn bukanla kita nak jatuhkan sesama melayu ke ape, tapi selagi tak diberi kesedaran..sadly said, mmg takkan sedar.

  4. haah nad, mmg nak complain. ni bukan je menjatuhkan melayu, tapi mnjatuhkan satu company. obviously ramai yg complaint about after sale service. these type of people shouldnt work at proton, unless if they change their attitude.

  5. Salam. Setelah membaca apa yang ditulis, saya berasa amat malu dan bersalah walau pun keadaan ini tidak ada kena-mengena dengan saya.
    saya sebagai warga Proton berasa walau dengan apa alasan pun pekara ini sepatutnya tidak harus berlaku..ini kerana mereka yang berada di hadapan kuanter telah dilatih untuk melayani kehendak pelanggan. dan apa yang berlaku adalah sesuatu yang sangat mudah iaitu memberitahu bagaimana prosidor temujanji . sebagai warga yang merasa bertanggunjawab saya meminta maaf bagi pihak syarikat saya.semoga apa yang berlaku tidak dipanjangkan dan anda akan berurusan dengan Proton lagi.

  6. Thanks Magic Box Studio for ur concern.
    betul apa yg u cakap,org di kaunter lah window utk customer btanya.sepatutnya dgn bsopan santun,bukan menengking,kan?
