
Friday, March 2, 2012

School at 10 pm?

Last night, Lissa was screaming and crying.
She wanted to go to skool.. yeah, at 10 o'clock at NIGHT!
I told her,"skool close. tutup la. no one there. tomorrow, esok boleh la pegi."
and yet..she still cried.
eish eish..!
by the way, just wanna share you this pix.
I love this picture very much!
Location : Cameron Highland
Cameraman : Mr Hubby
Will update more on Cameron Highland trip.


  1. waaa, rajinnye kakak. kul 10mlm pun nk pegi school..hihi :)

    btw, sweetla photo tu :)

  2. auntie jgn tak tau. kakak ni super rajin. asek nak g skool je.. sumer psl skool. harap2 last sampai besar la. jgn awal2 je excited.hehe

    Nad, photo tu sbnrnye scr tak sengaja. lissa memang suka buat trick2 xnak amik gambar. tu sbb kena pegang la tu, buat aksi plak.

  3. Obedient bye, sentimental friend :)
