
Friday, November 11, 2011

From Lissa's Diary : My Vocabulary (Episode 2)

Hello mommies out there!
Now that I'm 25 months old, i can speak a few more words compared to my last entry

1. atuunn - stands for cartoon
2. dog - yes, means dog
3. ayor or ayeer - means water
4. askum - Assalamualaikum (upgrade version from last time 'kom')
5. bislah - bismillah
6. akai - not akal in utara slang, but means pakai
7. eje - means work / kerja
8. ane? - mana?
9. agur - anggur / grape
10. wemote - remote
11. ate - mata / eyes
12. phone
13. yak - poo-poo
14. chen - pee
15. sik - nasi / rice
16. bird - real bird, or want to play with angry bird
17. phenn - elephant
18. ayam
19. car
20. bye
21. ayur - sayur / vege
22. pan - simpan
23. mous - mouth
24. pampahh! - nyampah or sampah (i kept mama guessing more..)
25. ade! - mengade (usually for my baby sister who used to cry out of sudden)
26. adan - padan muka (not a good word!)
27. nges - nangis (also for my baby sister)
28. dia dah jatuuh - advanced from last time only "jatuh"
29. jum - for jom / come on
30. call
31. sej - for message
32. lur- telur (usually refer to scramble egg mama used to make for me)
33. abeehh - finish (obviously!)
actually quite a few more.. which i couldnt recall rite now. i'll tell u olls later in my 3rd episode, okay?
Mama said she loves this picture, which cools her pregnant tummy (ha? i dont get it til now)