
Friday, August 26, 2011

Breastfeeding experience & Ramadhan

Alhamdulillah.. today marked the 26th day of fasting and last day of working during Ramadhan. and Alhamdulillah my milk supply never disappoint me through out the month. though i noticed a few ounces dropped compared to last month, i still managed to maintain quite some amount of frozen ebm.

Stock during 1st month of pantang

Stock right before starting work

Stock in the mid of Ramadhan
(notice that the ice tray already gone)
Stock towards the end of Ramadhan
(and all over the fridge door)
 If anyone asked me how i managed to maintain such a supply (not to sound riak, sorry), i might have to think quite some time. seriously, i didnt take any supplement (though i tot i have to - just to replace all the nutrient flowing out of my body). For the whole month in Ramadhan i drank a lot of water after berbuka and during sahur. i also ate nearly 2 boxes of kurma!
So the result,
before fasting month :
during fasting month :
 All of these are for this bam bam:
love you


  1. alhamdulillah, murah rezeki Hanie :)

    such an inspiring entry irin. keep it up!

  2. thanx nad. i hope to inspire mommies out there (and me to go on bf-ing hanie for at least til 2 yo)
    btw..i admire u more..wif 2 babies,tandem nursing..kagum betul!
