
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Berbuka Puasa

Pictures during berbuka puasa with my sister and husband, Aziz

i just realized, this is the only pix the four of us

sumer happie lepas makan byk..hehehe

I heart corn!
kenyang sudda...

Learn how to do 'peace'
Lissa was not afraid of her Pakngah anymore..
Special thanks to our sponsor, Aziz, aka Pakngah :)
Next berbuka puasa, anyone?


  1. mak aiii... peha hanie mcm drumstick kfc laa.. nyumnyumnyum... nway, bajumu itu mcm pernah ku lihat... oh, lihat di dlm almari bajuku rupanya... tapi aku punya warna kelabu so x boria :D

  2. hanie mmg bam bam. aku pun kdg2 geram. siap gigit2 lagi.hehe.. mmg mak yg mendera anak nih.
    wahahaha.. yela, sapekah yg telah me'introduce'kan website baju tu..heheheeh

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