
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Trip to I-city

Last 2 weeks was great for our lil family.As promised, Mr husband brought us (me, Lissa & my sis, Ara) to I-city. We were supposed to go on Thursday night, but since my husband was quite tired that day after work, we decided we should go the next day. This was the 2nd attempt for us to visit the place. we went there last time, saturday nite, and the place was so packed with people. cars were queuing up!! so we decided to turn back, and returned another day. The scenery was amazing. no words can describe the beauty of colorful lights.. enjoy the pix!

Lissa-amazed by the colorful scenery!

me, my sis Ara & Lissa

Love this one!

Our lil family

So many pictures to upload, yet so sleepy.. Next entry? wait for entry trip to kuantan (hmm..ntah bile la..hehe)

Notes: Thank you mr hubby for bringing us to this nice place! looking forward for another trip ;) muahhss!

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