
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Babbling about work

Oh, what's that?
That is the reason why i'm super busy lately. Paper work to be done for project up to RM1.4 million a year. 
Yes, it has to go through our Dato' MD. but before that, need to convince one of the toughest top guy in Proton, Dr. Epple. Obviously, he is a brilliant person, and as a Deutsche, he is definitely very advanced on automotive industry.
Having said that, i know i have to put up my best for this paper. and unfortunately, a paper which is supposed to be done in a group, ended up with me alone..
Trying to stay calm..
and the result?
I've completed it!!
only for submission to my superior-which is the 1st level..
and i have another 6 levels to tackle.. haha..good luck with that!!

Today, Lissa turns 8 months old.. Happy 8-month old Birthday, Lissa dear!
Really, time flies so fast!
I'll update on the celebration later..
**eh eh, mr hubby, ade ke celebration utk baby Lissa? hehe..

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