
Monday, April 12, 2010

Meet the new Lissa!

Hello mommies!
Meet the new Lissa.. the botak chin version !! 
At last! after planning for several months, at last we managed to shave Lissa's hair off. I hope by the time she's 1 year old, she'll have a very beautiful and thick hair. Although, i have to admit that she does look cuter without her hair! So geram with her rounder face and big eyes..staring at me..

 The process wents like this : 
First, mama took off my clothes. 
Then, mama has to hold me, and abah started to cut off my precious hair!! 
I couldn't stay quietly because i didn't want my hair to be removed! i have to dance all around so that my parents stop doing what they were doing!!
But, they didn't give up. Abah still continued with his cutting.. and mama told me that i have to "redha" (which i didn't know what it means)
Suddenly, my parents took me to the bathroom. and started filling my bathtub with water and PLENTY of my toys!! I was so excited that I didn't care what they wanted to do with me.
I didn't mind if my head looked like this.. yes, i was too busy playing, ok.
Oh, no!! The result?? Am i cuter?

Or, shinier??
Ooohh.. how i missed my messy hair....


  1. hehehe..cute lah Lissa's new lokk :)
    liccin k!
    Adam after dah cut few times, rambut jadik nipis!!hishhish!!

    btw, tilam Lissa sama lah ngan Adam..the humpty dumpty!!

  2. hehehe... tq auntie :) extra2 cute bile auntie nadia kata lissa cute!

    aik? bukan ke kalau potong, makin tebal? x ek?

    wahh.. sama ek? bleh geng la. before this tilam tu letak kat nursery. since tak gi sana lagi, amik balik la. afterall, before this pun diorg x letak lissa kat tilam tu pun. letak bersepah2 atas comforter dgn bdk2 lain mcm pendatang asing jeik..uhuk.. so, dari owner tu guna tilam tu utk letak anak dia, baik amik balik. kalau tilam murah takpe..

  3. jahatlah Airin!
    cakap mcm pendatang asing huhuh:)
    cian Lissa!

    bbsitter Adam taknak tilam,mesti dia suruh Adam golek2 atas tilam bucuk!!
    kalau nursery bawah boleh merasa playpen Graco..huhuh :)

  4. alahai tomei nyer lissa

    nie nak bagi rambut tumbuh cantik lah nie.. :)

    owh, ko dah tak hntar kat nursery lagi ker? skang hntr kat mane?

  5. maria,
    mmg kasi licin. tp skrg dah start tumbuh rambut, tajam la plak.huhu!

    memang betul tau. bersusun jeik. sian tgk, mcm xde tilam jeik. toto plak tu. kalau tebal2 dah la nipis, pastu mcm kusam2 dah kaler dia.uhuk sedey tul!
    maka, by july, kalau x jumpa nursery yg ok, airin anta kat graco nursery la ;) baru merasa katil graco..

    memang nak bagi tumbuh lebat sket.sbb rambut lissa mmg ciput.hehe.lagipun orang kata ikut sunnah kalau rambut dari dlm perut kita cukur abih.
    skrg ni adik aku dok kat umah, jaga lissa. sementara tunggu dpt offer dr mana2 U. meh la dtg umah. bleh lepak2 ;)

  6. haha..comel betul, botak licin pulak tu!nampak cool aje tak struggle pun

    airin duduk dekat mana?

  7. memang saje kasi licin..hehe.. cool masa dlm bathtub dia je la. b4 that, mmg jenuh nak pegang.
    Skrg tinggal kat Shah Alam. turun Shah Alam, calling2 la ;)teringin nak jumpa ur girls yg cute gile tuh
