
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bowling and Playdate Weekend

"Eh Lissa, lawa-lawa ni nak pergi mana?"
"Nak pergi tengok abah main bowling la, mama"
We went to Sunway Pyramid Megalane last saturday to watch and pom-pom our beloved man - Mr Rosman. It was a Selection Game for Casting Department for Proton Inter-dept Game 2010. 21 people turned up, and it was a fight game, i guess?
Before the game, me and my sis (act as a babysitter for Lissa until July) went to visit baby room at Parkson before she started any rumbling and grumbling.
Her light-up face - diapers changed (checked!) and full stomach (checked!)
Now, We are ready to watch and be pom-pom girls to Abah!!
Lissa amazed with her abah's robotic hand!
And the act begun...
I am actually amazed and feel proud everytime I went to watch he played. He was so good that he could knocked down a 7-10 split, often called "goal posts" or "bedposts", where the bowler is left with the leftmost and the rightmost pin in the back row (the number 7 and number 10) to knock down with a single ball to achieve a spare. (oh, don't call me a pro on bowling term. i have to google through the bowling term for this!)

[interlude : i fell in love with the game (not that i know how to play) when we watched together a japanese series drama-Golden Bowl. Trust me, the drama was worth to watch!Akutagawa played by Kaneshiro Takeshi was skillful and cute!!]

OK, back to the game.
Lissa was over excited that she forced herself not to sleep. She was interested with all the ball-throwing.

My husband posed with my sis aka 3-month-babysitter
At last! She gave in to the comfort of her sleeping zone ;)
Congratulations to my husband, Great Game, Fun Game! Wishing you and ur bowling team the best for InterDepartment Bowling game on the 18th.

The next day, Sunday, Lissa had her first playdate with my bestfriend's daughter.
There were A LOT of simillarities between us..
It were so coincidence that we were classmates when we were in Form 4 at MRSM Jasin.
Then we coincidently got the same place at PPP UiTM Shah Alam for Preparation Program for ADFP (American Degree Foundation Program)
We were neighbor during the stay (her room was right above mine) at Hostel Akasia UiTM for 1 year.
Again, we got the same place for our degree at Purdue University, out of many-many colleges in the US. (Although we took different major.She was in electrical engineering, and i was in Industrial engineering) 
I thought that were the end of the coincidences.. but then..
We finally got married to our man (of course to different men), on 25th December 2008 (the only different was my Nikah's date was on 24th Dec and my wedding reception was on 25th Dec; but for her, Nikah on 25th Dec and Wedding Reception on 27th Dec).
when u think that's enuff, no, there's more!
Coincidently, our husband's nickname is man (mine shortform from Rosman, hers shortform from Azman)..
Then, we got pregnant and seperated due date by only 2 weeks..
So, i thought, what else? at that time, during the regular checkups, she found out that her baby would be a baby boy, and mine baby girl.
And, we gave birth to our baby, slightly off 3 days, mine on 2nd oct 09, hers on 5th oct 09.
again, and again, i can't tell, how coincidence... how so similar our life has been... both of us got baby girl. She knew the fact once the baby was born.
(oh, btw her name is Shahida)
Ok, get back to the playdate.
We have been trying to meet since the day they were born. but too many things in between.. and finally, last Sunday marked the date.
She named her daughter Aira Sofea (luckily, names are different..fuuhh)
The first eye-to-eye meet (From left: Aira & Lissa)
Lissa : so amazed with the-so-putih Aira (just look at both of her parents - like i used to said to sha, no melanin pigmen..hehe)
Me posed with baby Aira

The baby talk~
  Finally, special pose with their moms. (again, Lissa amazed by Aira!)
and as usual.. Lissa was too tired after a playdate with Aira, fell asleep right after we went inside the car.

There you go, a full utilized weekend!

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