
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Lissa Goes To School : Standard Two Day One

Hye all!

Has been pretty occupied lately with school preparation for Lissa Maisarah (and Hanie Myazara).
So back to school, how was the first day yesterday? To mommies with first kid going to school must be very nervous and nervewrecking to let your kid alone and survived.
Lissa first day of school Std 1 last year
I remembered the first day sending Lissa to Standard One last year. Since it was a school quite far from our house, she knows no one in her class. It was totally a new experience. Most of her kiddie's friends went to different school instead.
I remembered first few days we stalked her from far at canteen (even her Maksu got involved being a spy!), she survived alone!
Survived! Makan sorang2 pun x heran.
But now, going to Standard Two, she already makes lots of friends. Alhamdulillah. And sending her off just to look at where's the classroom and thats it. Off we go after that.
She sat next to her bff
 In the afternoon, i signed her up for Kafa school. This is the first year she joins sekolah agama. Hope she wont be too tired.
Making new friends already.

As for Hanie Myazara, she's already in 6 years kindie. Time flies!!

Done sending off kids to school. Time for #ootd. LOL!

So what's your story for first day school?


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