
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Set Kurus Bajet : 15 testimonies *hot from oven*

Morning all!

Previously i've shared sets of testimonies for our hot demand Set Kurus Bajet. You might want to visit again HERE

Now we've more and more hot from the oven, New Testimonies for this set kurus bajet.

Here you go..
Those who have problem to go to toilet, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to try this set kurus bajet. More lawas.

Once you consume this set, you will feel full and of course can diet! 

Breastfeeding? No worries. It will be good for baby too! No perut kembung or colic.

Usually if migraine or headache, we will take painkiller, right? Which is not good. Try this set, with the bamboo salt, no more headache.

Again, more kenyang. Can diet!

Usually those people who want to go for a diet mode, they'll feel hungry and tired. But with this, ur diet plan will not be ruined!

Also buang angin dlm badan.

True, if follow correctly, your perut will be flat

Impressive!! Berat reduce by 12 kg!! And in healthy way. 

Again, cepat kenyang

Rasa kenyang, then no need for rice or carbo

Lebih segar & not sleepy

Badan mengecil with set kurus bajet

Everyone is talking about perut kempis now

Yup, true, 1 box as a starter, you'll get the result.

Nak cuba? Only RM160 per set; inclusive of Min Kaffe (Kopi Garam Buluh), Garlic and BV Alfalfa (this bv alfalfa canbe consumed up to 3 months!)

Text me 017-6511966


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