
Monday, February 1, 2016

Tips Jimat Elektrik di Rumah

Few months ago terasa bil electric makin lama makin tinggi. Especially with the hot weather and our house does have two airconds.
When it hit me that I keep on paying too much for electric bill, I started to investigate and experiment few ideas, mainly from TNB website and some virals been going on lately.
Did you know that by plugging off all the electrical appliances if you're not using, could actually saves you a lot!!
There was this viral replied from TNB :

So I have experiment a few methods. It works!!
My bill from over RM100 went down to RM68! Happy sangat okay! :)

So let me share what I did:

1. Switch off and Plug off

This is the MAJOR Contributor! I turned off and plugged off electrical appliances (not fridge definitely), mainly tv and hp charger whenever we are sleeping or when we are not at home (which is most of the time more than 12 hours).
Setiap kali keluar rumah, mesti nak tarik plug. Also if dah siap masak air kat kettle, plug off. usually tinggal je plug altho dah switch off, kan. Now insaf dah. Mesti nak tarik plug. Check jugak kat dapur, if ada switch untuk kitchen ventilation system ke, make sure switch off if tak masak.
Waktu tidur pun, kalau boleh off semua lampu, except those yg main la; contohnya kat porch mesti nak on (yg tu no excuse ye. safety!). Dulu lampu toilet pun biar je on. kononnya senang if Lissa ke Hanie bangun malam, senang diorg g toilet, tak yah kejut kita suh buka lampu (isu malas.hehe)
Waktu tidur plak, cabut semua plug tv and unifi. so malam2 tengah tidur tu, xde la bunyi whatsapp masuk. hehe. aman tidur + jimat electric. kan best!

2. Iron sekali banyak

Yup, kumpul semua baju or tudung & segala bagai yang perlu iron, iron lump sum katanya.

3. Basuh baju bile load penuh satu washing machine

Ni of course lah kan. orang yg tak berapa rajin mcm iols, memang membasuh tu bila perlu. hehe. especially bila baju sekolah anak dah nak abih. hehehe. guna washing machine hari Rabu and Sabtu je. Sabtu tu la 2 kali load. selain dari tu, kumpul selagi boleh. erk? sebenarnye tak bagus, tapi itulah hakikatnya utk ibu2 yg busy mcm saya. paling best bila baju sekolah budak siap seminggu stock. sama gak dgn baju rumah,hehehee.

4. Efficient Aircond Usage

Efficient okay. maknanye tak la sejuk sangat. Our routine masuk je rumah, mesti nak tekan switch sebab panas + kebiasaan. Now, sama gak, masuk rumah je, switch aircond. tapi set to 25 degree je. As a plus our aircond ada option utk power energy sufficient, so mesti nak kena opt for that.
Oh jangan lupa tutup semua tingkap or doors bila on aircond ye.

5. Maintenance Aircond Filter

Clean the aircond filter selalu. I think a good frequency is about 2 weeks. tu paling lama la.

6. Clean-up Fridge

Oh ni dulu memang slalu takde masa. semua bende nak letak dlm fridge kan? now buang mana yg x patut. contohnya air gas yg dah lama tu, confirm xnak minum dah kan? maka, sila lah buang ye. hehehe

Ok all. Hope the tips help you save moooore.
Selamat mencuba ye. Duit extra saving from TNB tu boleh lah g shopping, eh? tak..tak.. g masuk dalam tabung ye :D


1 comment:

  1. Sikitnye bill electic..mine at least 200 tao..kene try la camni..
