
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Tips Kurus Selepas Bersalin

Hi mommies!

Ramai yang excited baca topic ni kan? Tips untuk kurus selepas bersalin. Mommies ramai yang mengadu kenapa lebih kahwin and lebih-lebih lagi lepas bersalin, mesti badan bagai dipam-pam. nak turun balik, nak dapatkan ideal weight macam before kahwin, susah sangat.
Picture courtesy of
Alhamdulillah, I am now at the most ideal weight I ever wanted; my weight before married :) Previously after delivery of my second baby, my weight has gone yo-yo between 56 to 58 kg which was quite alarming for me. Although at height of 170 cm, my ideal weight with normal bmi would be 60kg, i aimed for a weight which was before married. I am now at 54 kg with bmi of 18.7.
My very recent picture last week with my two lovely daughters :)
So now I'd like to share some tips untuk kurus selepas bersalin, which I've been practicing now and then.

Tips #1 : Breastfeed
By breastfeeding your baby, you will get rid of your "baby fat" sooner that you ever thought of! Setiap hari menyusu badan, a mom will burn off about 500 calorie, sama dengan berlari 2 kali pusingan padang tau. untung tak bf moms? selain dapat provide susu yang berkhasiat untuk babies, boleh jugak dapat turunkan berat badan and also dapat pahala! double triple reward kan?

Tips #2 : Minum Air Secukupnya
Tahu kan bila minum air (air kosong tau, bukan air manis), boleh bantu menurunkan berat badan

Tips #3 : Berpantang dengan betul
Ye, ramai ibu2 moden zaman sekarang tak berapa nak hiraukan petua2 orang2 dulu. Jaga makan, jaga itu, jaga ini, berstokin, berbengkung.. etc etc. sebenarnya memang boleh bantu kita turunkan berat badan tau!

Tips #4 : Exercise!
Tak kisahlah pergi gym ke, berlari turun naik tangga (rumah + office) ke, buat plank sambil tgk tv ke (bukan sambil munch2 junk food ye), mesti nak cuba spend a bit time here and there to burn off your calorie. especially those yang kerja kat office, ngadap depan laptop je, memang boleh membesarkan bon-bon. opps!
Uols boleh checkout tips untuk exercise from googling. This is one of good website to refer to :

Tips #5 : Pakailah Premium Beautiful corset
Banyak dah testimonies yang kita dapat from mommies yang pakai Premium Beautiful corset. memang betul2 berkesan.
Antara yang pakai Premium Beautiful corset waktu pantang

Dah back to normal kan? mcm before pregnant

Lagi kurus dari before pregnant!
Bila pakai premium beautiful corset, automatic food intake pun tercontrol. tak boleh makan lebih2 dah

Ha tips untuk kempiskan perut, waist nipper premium beautiful ada!

Untuk kecikkan peha plak, ade long girdle premium beautiful. confirm kecik and firm
And the best thing, premium beautiful corset has been chosen a winner of Reader's choice Awards as the best body shaping lingerie!

So, tunggu apa lagi? dah ade 5 tips untuk kurus selepas bersalin kan? jangan tunggu lama2. waktu selepas bersalin, badan masih lembut untuk dibentuk. if tunggu sampai dah bertahun2, erk? jenuh sket nanti nak turunkan lemak2 degil.

Oh, lagi satu, now last month untuk promotion of Cash Rebate and discount up to RM600 per set! so, grab cepat2 ye. Contact me as your premium beautiful expert 017-6511966.


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