
Thursday, October 8, 2015

A Celebration to Remember : Congratulations new CDM & DDM 2015

Hye All

It has been an honor to be part of the GLAMpreneurs and The Diamond Circle to have new Crown Diamond Manager, the highest rank in business of having total more than RM2 million sales; and Double Diamond Manager, the 2nd highest in business of having total sales RM720,000.

We had a simple celebration last weekend and got to hear their stories behind the success. It was not that easy to have reached to the level. There were many ups and downs, going through onak & duri along the way. But Alhamdulillah, in this business, as long as you are there, keep consistent and keep going, you will reach to the top. It's just a matter of time.

Now, let me introduce the achievers.

Crown Diamond Manager, CDM Ain Mohd Nizar.

She is an engineer in one of MNC. Staying in Johor Bahru doesn't stop her to keep in touch with our leader in KL. A mom of two and has no maid to take care of house chores. Can you imagine how she juggles between her job as engineer, a mom of two kiddos and business?
I knew her way back. We went to a same school during secondary school in MRSM Jasin. Her dedication towards business inspired us.
Grabbing a 5 figures income in business within less than 4 years, such a great achievement. She did share with us, she started work for almost 8 years now but the salary went not more than RM6,000. but by having a part time business, she can earn at least RM1x,xxx in average monthly. She already prepared her resignation letter right after she reached CDM level.
Congratulations, CDM Ain.

Double Diamond Manager, DDM Syikin Salleh

She was an ex-banker. She resigned once she started business in early 2012. Also a mom of two with no maid at home. Also from Johor Bahru. She did mention that her husband helps her a lot especially during business appointments. Syikin, as the person I know, is a strong mom, and also not being so kedekut with friends. As a teamplayer, she did help me a lot especially when I have customer in Johor. As a travel buddies, we did have a habit to LOL so much!! It was fun knowing you, kin. May our ukhuwah getting stronger. Congratulations in achieving DDM. You deserve it!

In this business, it does not matter who you are, what your background is. As long as you WANT it, you WILL get it. InsyaAllah

Now let's enjoy the pictures during the celebration.

During their heart-to-heart sharing experience.
Most of us dah bergenang air mata dah :D
With our next CDM from Utara, Yong
With my beloved mentor and leader, CDM Shaliza
With Eida from USM Penang, a mom of two
With Olyn, from KL, another engineer, also a mom of two
With a mom of four this time, Faeza from Johor
With a mom of three, Faliha from Ipoh
With Syikin's cute baby!
Our official photographer of the celebration, Hafiz Atan
I was wearing blouse from H&M and Skirt from Elena.
My next Diamond Sales Manager, SSM Iezzah from Rembau.
Chaiyok Izzah, sikit je lagi!!
Before balik, punch more sales for October
Sempat coach with Iezzah before she went back to Rembau
Next sales target RM180,000, yeahh!
Oh My Prada! Super duper delicious!
I am lucky to be in The Diamond Circle team and know these people.
I am next.
Will you follow our footstep?
Towards time freedom, towards money freedom.
Do book slot with me to start your business today. From a small baby step, you will earn more.
Earn bonus starting RM5,000 this month.

Text me to know how 017-6511966

Your Business Coach

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