
Monday, August 24, 2015

Baby Demam Kuning / Jaundice : Rawatan Alternative BVSM

Hello All
Ramai ibu risau jika newborn baby mula demam kuning atau jaundice. To those yang tak tahu apa itu Jaundice or Demam Kuning, as described in Kidshealth website :
Jaundice, a common condition in newborns, refers to the yellow color of the skin and whites of the eyes that happens when there is too much bilirubin in the blood.

You can checkout the details in Kidshealth website

Petua2 orang tua, suruh jemur baby waktu matahari pagi. Tapi tahu tak sebab apa, the scientific explanation behind that? Dengan menjemur baby, it can reduce the bilirubin dalam kandungan darah baby. Kalau di hospital, the therapy is called Phototherapy.
Rasa kesian sangat tengok baby yang terpaksa melalui treatment phototherapy. Especially to the moms. Dah la still dalam pantang, nak breastfeed pun susah.

Nowdays pun udara kat luar especially dalam Bandar, sangat kotor & berdebu. So sangatlah tak sesuai nak jemur baby di luar.

As an alternative, before demam kuning semakin tinggi, why not cuba rawatan alternative untuk jaundice by using Bio Velocity Sleep Mate (bvsm).

Alhamdulillah, so far, quite a few testimonies that we gathered from our own customers showing improvement. Baby's jaundice level reduced.

This is my own nephew, Rayyan. Masa awal baru lahir, memang reading dia tinggi.
Sekarang environment tak berapa elok di luar if nak jemur baby direct dengan matahari. Sangat berbeza masa zaman mak & nenek kita dulu.

Proven turun level demam kuning baby Dani.
Baby jaundice level reduced from 233 to 186 after 5 days sleep with BVSM
Kerap selimutkan baby dengan bvsm, turun demam kuning
This Bio Velocity Sleep Mate already been featured in Berita Harian and there is also proven scientific study
Uols boleh check out website Sahajidah Hai-O untuk details for the product : Click BVSM
Kajian Klinikal telah dilakukan dan menunjukkan peningkatan tenaga
Antara keistimewaan Bio Velocity Sleep Mate
Untuk yang nak cuba, boleh text me 017-6511966 or email me at



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