
Saturday, July 11, 2015

When Airin Cooks : Recipe Squid Salted Egg

Hye All!

During Ramadhan, I always tried to find time to cook for Iftar for my family. And since I have Hypp TV, I always opted for Channel EC Inspirasi, Dapur Bujang.

Why? Just because of the shown usually are very bujang-like, simple and easy to follow and to remember. I don't have to really salin any of the recipe.. hehe. Nampak sangat pemalas kan? Opps! Lagi simple, lagi saya suka. This Dapur Bujang show definitely not only for bujang people but for working moms like ME!! The less the preparation + cooking time, the better hokay!

I've always loved to eat Squid salted egg. It will be my choice of menu every time we went out for a seafood treat. and never crossed my mind that it was really really easy to cook!!
sotong telur masin
The delicious Squid Salted Egg

Thanks to Chef Dapur Bujang kita, Chef Fendi (Perghhh -> his famous word!!).

Dapur Bujang
Let me recap how he did it, and confirmed jadi sebab dah try ;)

The Bahan-bahan :

Squid - Siap bersihkan & potong like rings

Tepung jagung or any tepung tempura / segera

Telur Masin - Rebus, kupas & lenyek2 kan. Ada yang pilih kuning telur je (if nak rasa lebih lemak) but for Dapur Bujang aka budget style, guna je semua

Daun Kari

Bawang Besar - hiris

Cili padi - hiris

Butter - utk tumis

How to :

1. Celup sotong dalam bancuhan tepung jagung/tepung tempura

2. Goreng sekejap hingga a bit yellowish

3. Angkat & toskan sotong

4. Tumis daun kari + bawang dgn butter hingga naik bau

5. Masukkan Telur masin yg dah lenyek2 tadi, gaul sekali

6. Masukkan sket air, so that lembab2 sket and tak kering

7. Once dah nampak mcm menggelegak, boleh masukkan sotong tadi

8. Gaul hingga sebati

9. Done!!

Senang kan?

Sukatan? agak2 je semua. First try pun bley jadi, confirm uols try menjadi. hehehe

PS : I watched Dapur Bujang when Chef Fendi showed for Udang Telur masin. Kita gantikan dengan sotong sebab iols suka sotong. hehe

Here I shared a Youtube link for Dapur Bujang with Udang Telur Masin. Happy Watching :

So, there you go.

Good luck all!

Nanti dah Berjaya buat tu, apa kata snap pix hidangan uols and tag me ye.
My ig @airin_diana
FB Airin Diana Anuar

Selamat mencuba


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